The first day~ Chapter two

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Bakugou's Pov

My mom hired a maid.... AND SHE FUCKING HOT!!! Why the fuck is she cute?! Ugh. Can't know I like her. I went to my bed and sat down on my phone texting my group:

B: Guys.

K: What's up Bakubro!

M: Yeah what's up?

S: hm?

Kaminari is offline

B: my mom got me a maid.

K: Oh. That's bad because???


M: Oooooo Bakugou's got a crush~

B: Shut it Pinkie.

S: Lol.

D: Hey! Oh wait HES GOT A CRUSH?!


B: Half white half red hair. One cyan and one grey eye. And she has a scar on her cyan eye.

M: Sounds cute but what side?

B: Her white side has the grey eye on her right side. Red hair with the cyan eye is on the left.

K: she kinda sounds like Shoto Todoroki. Daughter of Endeavor?

B: Shit she does.

M: Shes rich why would she be working?

B: Idk

S: hmmm maybe she wants to make her dad mad? Or maybe make him proud?

K: I would be proud if she was my daughter. Do you know how much she's accomplished?! It's incredible!

D: what has she done?

K: Well she goes to UA with us but she in Class 3C-


K: Yup with your boyfriend.

D: he's not my boyfriend.

M: 😏

D: Shut up Mina!!!

K: Anyways, she top of her class she in the running for #1 and 2. The list goes on. She's pretty incredible.

B: Damn. I have to go.

K: Bye bro!

D: Cya!


S: Good luck!

I put my phone down and go to the living room. My mother was fitting the new maid. Well my new maid. I walked in and they both look at me. "What?" I ask growling.

"Katsuki introduce yourself to her!"

Hey FireEclipse here! Thx for reading this chapter sorry it was short but my best friends coming over and I wanna chill with her for a while. Anyways love you all bye! ~ FireEclipse 🔥

Word count: 354

MY maid. BakutodoWhere stories live. Discover now