‘’That’s not fair Sophie, how am I supposed to help’’. I was getting frustrated, I wanted to help Arnie but where do I start.

‘’No, don’t you even, he needs our help I’ve been listening to everyone’s talking about how poor Brandon is hurting how poor Brandon is scared of loving someone, tough shit we got abused but guess what, Nate came to help us and he’s still here, he didn’t leave us, you are Arnie’s Seeley don’t you see it. He won’t leave you because he’s your Nate, I get it you’re scare and I was too, but we got our family and Arnie became part of this family, just like Uncle Pierce, and daddy’’. She was sitting on dad’s lap sobbing by the time she finish.

‘’You love him and he loves you, he hasn’t told me but the way he looks at you says it all, so go get him back, please boo’’. I nodded at her and drop to my knees in front of her to wrap my arms around her.

‘’I love you bug’’. I choke up and she wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my chest.

‘’Ok, let’s go find him’’. I stand up and as I look around everyone have smiles on their faces.

‘’What?’’ I question as I wipe my eyes.

‘’It took a sixteen year old to get through you’’. My father states and I smile, Sophie was blunt and to the point and I respect her for it.

‘’So how do we find him?’’. I look at my father and he smiles once again.

‘’I have his address, and drove by there, it’s a broken house but there’s people in there I could tell’’. He pipes as he puts his coat on.

‘’You have the information already and you didn’t tell me’’. I raised an eyebrow.

‘’I wanted you to realize that you found your Nate as Sophie so kindly put it, I already have a cop waiting for us there, they’ve been wanting to bust that old man for selling drugs and forcing kids to prostitution, so come on’’. I put my coat on and grandpa, Pierce and me, my father go out the door.

I just hope we get there on time, to help Arnie.

I swear that if we get Arnie out of there unharmed, I will tell him how much I love him, and I want us to be together.


I was so fucking worried that I didn’t even notice when dad parked and shut the car off.

The cops were there and said that they saw two men going in, regular customers.

My stomach was hurting as I heard them say there was an older male, two white males and a younger boy.

They went and yell police; we are coming in and knock down the door.

Me and the rest stay back but when I heard the car radio saying, the one male was having sexual intercourse with the younger one.

I took off running into the house.

Ignoring my father’s screaming to come back.

My grandfather telling me, they’ll shoot you if they mistake you for one of them.

In addition, Uncle Pierce yelling Brandon wait while coming behind me.

I run in, found the old creaky stairs and went up them where I found the cops handcuffing and reading them their rights to three people.

I saw the older male, who had a smirk on his face, rage took over me and saw nothing but red.

‘’You son of a bitch!’’ I growled and went and punch him until I broke his nose, It took three people to get me off the bastard.

I heard a whimper and that brought me back.

I went into the bedroom to find Arnie, naked, tied to the headboard and with bruises all over.

‘’He’s been drugged, raped and beaten, there’s also an older female body in the basement, seems like she died a few weeks ago, we call the paramedics to take the victim to the hospital for a rape kit and pump his stomach, and check him for any std’s’’. I wanted to cry as I listen to the cop.

I went and sat on the bed, with tears running down my cheeks.

He wasn’t looking at me, in fact he was avoiding my gaze.

‘’Arnie, please look at me’’. I beg him and he shakes his head no.

‘’Why not, Arnie please’’. I beg him again.

‘’I’m embarrass’’. He whispers and I put my hands on his face and slowly lifted his face up.

‘’It’s ok, he’s going to jail and don’t be embarrass please’’. I murmur and press my lips to each of his cheeks.

 ‘’You’re going to the hospital and I’ll ride with you in the ambulance, later when you’re feeling better we need to talk, ok’’. He stare at me studying my face, once he found or gave up he nodded at me.

That’s when he close his eyes and went to sleep, he was probably tired and in pain.

The paramedics came in, took him and clean him to assess his injuries.

After that they put him in the ambulance with me in there and went to the hospital.

I texted Sophie to let her know, we found him and we’re on our way to the St. Mary’s hospital in case her and dad wanted to come.

I also texted her that, my head was out of my ass and was going to tell Arnie how I really felt and fears be damned.

Suicide Hotline(BxB) Brandon's story~ Book 3Where stories live. Discover now