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"I can see what's happening."


"And they don't have a clue!"


"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, I'll become the third wheel."


Zander frowned as he watched myself being carried on Fox's back. The girl he had met in the Holding World was next to him, her tail swishing happily under her cloak.

"Never mind," he sighed. "I guess I can deal with having my baby sister be taken from me."

"I'm so confused," the girl blinked. "What?"

Zander pointed to the blond (myself), "There sister." He pointed to Fox. "There thief."


I bounded up to my red-headed brother. "Onii! I just managed to get an excellent deal on the wild flowers! Evidently they're a hit here in the south. And they'll survive, too."

Zander nodded. "Good job, Clara. What are you going to do with your riches, now?"

"Get you and Heather some apples, of course," I winked, holding up my bag.

"Apples...?" Heather and Zander said in unison. Heather's ears were pricked, and I could see the Ookami in Zander coming out.

I laughed and ran down to the market, them hot on my heals. I bought a bunch of apples and slid the basket to them.

"Be nice, you two. And keep them out of sight of Holo. I don't know where she is, but she'll come running if there are apples nearby."

The two grabbed an apple each and bit into them, crunching on the ripe fruit happily. "My mom would be so ticked if she found out..."

I laughed. "Come on, guys, let's go find something profitable to invest in. We've had our treat, now let's get back to work."

"Quite the merchant," Fox noted.

"Well, if I have to feed four, I had better be a good merchant. Besides: Who can resist a girl with charm such as myself?" I asked, flipping my hair over my shoulder and winking. I had my locks cut in a bang to add to my character so I would be remembered. That's one thing I learned while reading Spice&Wolf, anyway.

Heather and Zander carted the basket between themselves; Zander was holding one handle, and Heather was holding the other. It was a bit lopsided, but somehow they managed to not to spill any apples. I snagged one, rubbed it on my shirt, and bit a chunk out of it while I kept a look-out. Eventually I did find Lawrence, who had allowed us to tag along and learn. Not an apprentice per say, but more of a shadow.

"Apples...?" Holo asked, sniffing the air.

Heather tossed her one. "Only one, Mom. I'm not going to give you any more. These are apples Clara gave us: You'll have to guilt Dad into giving you some."

"Not right now," Lawrence answered in regards to Holo's puppy eyes. "We have to sell these furs first."

"Perhaps we could try the trick we did before?"

"Doubtful. A different town, yes, but still doubtful."

I shrugged. "I got a nice price for my flowers here. Why don't we both go in and invest in some wheat? We could sell it down south."

"The wheat here isn't very good," Lawrence answered, heading towards the company. "Although, the Trenny coins here could pay for the cloth needed for our trip north."

"Buy low sell high," I reasoned. "I'll scope out for a tailor and seamstress."

"And I'll sell the furs."

We shook, and parted our ways. Heather had grown quite attached to Zander in our short time, and unbelievably, her parents trusted her with us. In any case, Heather joined us in our hunt for a good deal.

I headed to the different shops and looked around. I couldn't find much in the way of good and cheep tailors, but I did know something that no one else did.

I had a weapon.

I turned around and smiled sweetly at Heather. "Heather. Darling."

Zander leaned close to her. "Run," he whispered.

I gave him a dirty look. Heather giggled.

"Whatcha want me to do?" she asked.

"A cute girl like you can finagle from different people who the best tailor in town is," I told her. "Go find someone wearing what you wouldn't mind wearing, then ask him who their tailor is. Ask a bunch of people, and be sure to let them know that money is tight."

She nodded and was off through the streets. Zander ran his fingers through his hair, causing his hair to be more messy than it was in the first place. I caught many young girls glancing his way and giggling bashfully. Another idea flashed through my head.

"Hey, Zander..."

"No," came his immediate answer.

I scowled. "Give me back my apples, then."

"No," was his response yet again.

I glared at him. "I have so much dirt on you I could write a book about it. You know who would love to know about it? Alex. I will gladly tell her about the time you tried to sneak away from me, the time you about mauled Adam and Fox, oh, and that one time that..."

"I get it!" He crossed his arms and turned to face me. "I know you're just going to bug me until you get your way, so fine: What do you want."

I grinned. "Go talk to the girls you catch staring at you, and ask about their clothes. I know you have charm as much as you hate to admit it, so go."

He rolled his eyes and sighed, but turned and headed down the street. Giggle-gaggle group started up again, and he caught on. He looked their way, caught their startled floundering, and smiled.

And here comes Prince Charming, I snickered to myself.

"Hello, lasses," he greeted. "Didn't mean to disrupt you, but I couldn't help but see such fine ladies looking my way."

More giggles.

His eyes quickly scanned the small group. "Beautiful frocks to match beautiful ladies," he praised. "It's little wonder why you caught my eye."

They giggled more, and one spoke up.

"The tailor down the street does wonderful work," she told him. "But not as wonderful as your tailor, I can see."

Zander waved his hand. "Hardly, this is just an old thing I've had for years. Well, I'll be off, then. Careful not to get into trouble now," he warned with a wink before heading off again down the road.

I was struggling to control my laughter. As soon as his back turned he gave me a hot look of disgust, completely confirming my suspicion that he was a grumpy old man. But Zander continued on in his trek, using his charm and quick words to trick ladies in revealing who their tailor was.

I'll not bore you with details, so I'll sum it up for you: Between the polls of both Zander and Heather, we were able to find a tailor that was the best we could afford. And, from what I saw in his shop windows, he did good work. Now I hoped that Lawrence had struck a good deal with the pelts and was ready to purchase the clothes we needed.

We met up at the inn that night. We had a few drinks as we discussed business, and figured out a plan. We were to get the clothes the next morning, then head out towards the next town. Since this town had little to offer in the way of trading for the folks up north, the coins we acquired would go towards buying goods in the next town.

Two room rentals and a bicker about beds later, and we were fast asleep, readying ourselves for the day ahead.

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