1. A Familiar Face

Start from the beginning

They knew how Seb and Sienna had met and fallen in love at school when they'd been just sixteen years old.

They knew Sienna had been physically abused by her mother's boyfriend, and how  she'd finally called her father and arranged the escape of her younger brother and sister.

They knew how she'd grown excited as they'd approached adulthood, waiting for them to get in touch with her. They knew about how heartbroken she'd been when the years had passed without a word from them.

Sebastian had loved Sienna. He would have given her anything her heart desired but in the end it was the one thing he couldn't give her that had ended up ruling her life and brought about the end of their marriage. 

Even their own little family that they'd created together hadn't filled the hole inside her heart. She'd never been able to recover from losing her father and her siblings.

Seb had tried to find them for her, he really had. He'd hired a private detective, but wherever they were they were so well hidden that no trace was ever found of them.

Sienna had always believed that once Alyssa turned eighteen she and Joel would find her,  but when it had finally sunk in that she was never going to see them again  things had changed.  That's when she had changed. She'd become distant, and their sex life became non existent. They just never seemed to have time for each other.  They grew apart. 

Seb had tried his hardest but the love he'd felt for her had died.  Of course he did still love her as the mother of his children, but he wasn't in love with her any more, and in a heart to heart Sienna had admitted she was no longer in love with him.  They'd decided to divorce but vowed that they'd co parent their daughters Naomi and Rebekah and give them the happiest childhood they could.

"How's she settling into the new house?" Antti asked.

"I think she's happy to be back in the UK.  To be honest her heart has always been there."

Seb had bought two cottages in rural Oxfordshire, just a couple of miles apart, after he'd agreed to stay at Aston Martin for a second season.   One for Sienna, and one for himself. He'd also bought two town apartments for Antti and Britta.  

"Good morning Sebastian," came a shrill, cheerful voice.   He raised his hand and waved to the woman who was passing him and heading into the building. 

"Morning Tanya," he called after the pretty hostess, his gaze lingering on her green clad bum. 

"She fancies you," Antti stated after the woman had disappeared inside.  Seb grinned and shrugged.  "She's your type.  Blonde, skinny and next to no tits."

Seb snorted with laughter.  Antti wasn't wrong.  Sienna fit the description, as had Francesca and Lila, the two lovers he'd taken since his divorce. 

"She's too young for me. She's got to be at least six or seven years younger at least!"

"Age is just a number. What does it matter? Sex is sex. She's above the age of consent. She's got to be in her mid twenties. It's not as if she's just out of high school."

Seb laughed again. Maybe he would see if Tanya was up for a bit of bedroom fun. It had been nearly a year since he'd had sex. He'd had to gently end things with Lila after she'd fallen for him. He'd been clear from the start that he wasn't looking for a relationship. He'd been there, done that and was in no rush to do it again.

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