"Ok ok now dont get too hyped up,and plus your suffocating me with tight hugs"

I said to the two to calm them down. They soon parted from the hugs and sat down at their place while grinning mischievously, happy that they succeeded in convincing me while I just rolled my eyes.

"But how are we going to try this?"

Jennie suddenly asked. That got me into thinking, how are we actually supposed to do this? While brie was reading it didn't say anything on how to actually summon this spirit.

"Well it says that you dont have to do anything in specific,its just stated here that whenever you use a public toilet he happens to appear and ask you the question, just that much nothing more"

Brie answered.

"But if the article about him says that,how are we supposed to know which toilet he's gonna appear in?"

This time I asked brie. She just shrugged and replied

"I dont know"

"See I told you this is just gonna be a waste of our time,let's just forget about it"

"No no wait!!!! I have an idea,let's go to the central library "


I asked her

"Actually if I'm being honest, I've done some research on this before in the library when the librarian saw what I was doing and she said that she knew where we could find the spirit "

"You mean mrs. Hudson,the central library's owner and keeper?"

Jennie asked


Brie replied back

"And you waited until now to tell is this?! Wow brie congrats your such a genius"

I said sarcastically while clapping with a fake smile plastered on my face. Brie just laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry ok! I meant to tell you earlier but it must have slipped off my mind"

Brie said trying to defend herself while her hand where in the air as if she surrendered. Jennie just giggled at her guilty state as she knew that I was just fooling around but I guess brie was too dumb to notice it. I tried to maintain my stern look to scare brie more but I accidentally made eye contact with jennie and that's it,I started laughing out loud and soon jennie joined me whereas brie finally understood what was happening and started whining about how it's not good to pull someone's leg. We spent the rest of the day laughing and giggling at random things and sometimes studing. We decided to visit mrs. Hudson at the library tomorrow after school to talk about this Aka manto thing,let's just hope it actually works. I looked over to brie and jennie who were busy laughing out loud at some random joke. How I wished these memories lasted forever.

It's the next day. We're at school and the bell rang indicating that classes for today are over. I grabbed my bag and looked behind to see brie and jennie already looking at me.

"Let's go?"

I asked the two of them.


They both shouted in unison which caused all the students who were still in the class to look at us. I said a quick sorry and then turned and glared at brie and jennie,who were giving out nervous laughs. I just took a deep breath to calm down.

"Come on"

I said,they quickly got up from their seats and dashed out of the class,with me following them. We reached out and we had already told our moms that we'll be late today. We started walking towards the library. It wasn't that far but actually close by since most students go to the library after school,or even during school get some books since we apparently dont have a library. We soon reached the library and went inside. Entering,we saw miss Hudson sitting at the front desk doing some library paper work. We went up to her and greeted her.

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