Hayley walked down the halls of the base only to end up in the training room

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Hayley walked down the halls of the base only to end up in the training room. She heard grunting and walked in to see Melinda punching a sand bag aggressively. She walked towards her and tapped her shoulder making Melinda grabbed her arm and flipped her onto her back. Hayley groaned in pain and sat up grabbing her back. "Don't sneak up on me like that! You could've had worse consequences!" Melinda scolds her as she hates her as much as she already does but doesn't want her to get actually hurt. Hayley groans as she sits up properly, "Sorry!" Hayley reached her hand out to Melinda, hoping she would help her up but Melinda walked away, unwrapping her wrists. Hayley huffed and stood up, before walking over to her, "Look, I know you don't like me but let's be honest, we are both important to Aaron and-" Melinda cut her off, "Not anymore." Hayley looked at her with face concern, "Oh no! What happened?" She didn't really want to know what happened, she was happy that she didn't have to worry about Armaros' plan backfiring, but she hoped she would tell her so she can use it as leverage. Melinda didn't tell her and walked out of the room. Hayley scoffed and followed behind her and walked beside her and continued what she is trying to say, "Look, I know you don't like me, but can we at least try to be friends? For Aaron's sake?" Hayley held out her hand towards Melinda. Melinda looked at the hand in front of her and looked at the eyes of the person who owns them. "You're right." Melinda starts and Hayley smiled at the thought of gaining Melinda's trust. "I don't like you." Melinda walked away with a glare. Hayley huffed in frustration as she can never seem to get Melinda to trust her. She grabbed her phone and decided to call Armaros. He answered immediately wanting to know her progress. "Hayley! Any news?" Armaros asks and Hayley answers him nervously, "I'm in the base and I got mostly everyone's trust." Armaros didn't like the sound of what she told him and got a little upset, "Mostly?" Hayley sighed and began to tell him, "There's one that won't seem to trust me. Melinda May." Armaros smirks at the plan in his head.

Two Teams in One

Everyone in the base noticed the tension between Melinda and Aaron. It wasn't sexual tension like some of the girls thought it was, it was conflict tension. Only Daisy and Penelope knew about what was actually going on. Aaron walked down a hallway only to be met by Phil, "Hey, Phil! What's up?" All Phil did was grab his arm and drag him into their office. Aaron's eyes widened at the action but allowed him to be dragged. He locked the door and stared at Aaron with anger in his eyes, "What happened with you and May?" Aaron closed his eyes and sighed and then opened his eyes again and looked at his friend. He knew that eventually someone would ask him about what was going on. "I said some rude things to Mel-May and now she won't talk to me." Aaron tells him and Phil's eyes widened hearing the way he quickly changed the way he says her name. She must've been really mad if he can no longer call her "Melinda." He folded his arms expecting an answer immediately, "What did you say?" Aaron looked down and then looked up at him, "I told her that she was upset that I am with Hayley, not her, she can't see Jack again, and that her not showing emotions and ignoring was the reason Andrew left." It was silent for a while as Phil was thinking over what he said. He couldn't believe he would say that to Melinda, especially about Jack and Andrew. "Why'd you say that to her? You knew she would get upset if you told her that! She would kick your ass! Also, you and Hayley aren't technically together!" Phil scolds upset. "I know. I didn't think any of it through! I think I was just upset that she was ignoring me and just snapped. Worst of all, she didn't kick my ass, I made her cry." Aaron tells him. Phil's eyes widened and he punched Aaron in the face, making him fall to the floor. Aaron sat up and took his hand to feel the corner of his lip. He brought it into his view and saw blood painting his fingertips. "I can't believe you told her that and made her cry! May has been through a lot of stuff! You should know!" Phil yells as Aaron yelled back, "I know and I do! She told me what happened in Bahrain! I told her about how Hayley died! We were about to kiss when the B.U.S exploded!" Phil raised his eyebrows and calmed down. They almost kissed? "You what?" Phil asked and Aaron sighed, "Yeah, May and I were about to kiss until the B.U.S exploded." Phil held a hand down to Aaron and he grabbed it before standing up. He looked Phil in the eyes with sadness written on his face. "I want to help you guys talk again, but you have to do this my way." Phil tells him. "Ok." Aaron whispers.

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now