the bet - 4

363 13 5

this story contains: 1184 words <3

The next morning, Simon wakes up on his own. Nobody was at the house. The brunette boy found it awfully strange, since his dad barely goes out and even he is gone.

Simon walked into the kitchen, hoping to see the familiar faces of his family member's. But instead he was met with once again an empty room. He made himself a nice breakfast. It consisted of milk and cereal. He sat at the table and started on his breakfast.

'Why is nobody home? It's the weekend!', Simon thought to himself. After finishing his delicious breakfast he washed his dishes. He poured himself some apple juice and sat on the sofa. He noticed there was something on the table; A little card.
He opened it.

Hi Stimpy!

Me, your dad and brother have went out for your brother's play, you never like it so we didn't want you to wake up so early, just to be bored!
Sorry! Go and do something fun today, yeah? We'll be home by 5!

xx Mum

Simon tossed the note on the table, leaning back against the sofa. 'Yeah, I don't like that stupid play thing, but I'd love to be there just to spend some quality time with them?', Simon's thoughts travelled everywhere in his mind.

Simon looked at it in a positive way. He had the house all to himself!


gc: 5 imbeciles and 1 smart lad

bigDenergy added Vikk, Josh, Harold, Tobs, Eth.

bigDenergy: hey guys good morning
Eth: yo!
Josh: Hello
Harold: hello guys
Harold: vik isn't gonna be on anytime soon, he has been gaming all night
Josh: How'd u know ?? ;)
Harold: Oh fuck yourself because im one of his bestfriends
Josh: boyfriends*
- Harold left the chat -

bigDenergy: I think good?

JJ didn't really enjoy the fact that they called Simon a bet. Which is dumb, because he kind of is a bet..

Tobs: Wdym good
bigDenergy: i think we're becoming friends
Tobs: it's not friends
bigDenergy: i know but he is straight
Tobs: giving up? ;)
bigDenergy: What! fuck no.
Tobs: good. :)
Josh: is there anything going to us if he loses the bet?
Tobs: no, him suffering is enough LOOOOL
bigDenergy: stfu LOOOOL


Simon wanted to go do something. The blue-eyed boy had been at home all day, barely doing anything. So he took the chance to go to the groceries, and get himself something to munch on, too.

He grabbed his mum's card and left the home. He hopped his way to the local shop where the Minter family does their shopping. He was about to pass the rocks him and JJ sat on yesterday, as he heard a familiar voice.
He rushes his steps and almost fell two times.

"HEY SI!". Fuck. He had heard Simon.
"H-hi JJ."
JJ hopped over to Simon with a smile on his face. He walked next to him in silence until he sparked up a conversation.

"Why don't u ever sit next to someone besides Vik and me?"
"With you I don't have a choice.", JJ pushes Simon playfully.
"No but for real. Why?"
"I- Uhm. I guess I don't really have any friends. I wish I did but it is what it is."
"Wait that's sad. Who do you sit with during lunch?"
"Well, barely next to Vik, mostly alone."
"Oh god, bro you can't grow up to tell your kids you had no friends at school."

The blue-eyed boy laughed at his statement. Based on how tired his parents are most of the time, Simon doesn't really look forward nor want to have kids.

"Yeah, well. That's what I'm gonna have to tell them, I guess."
"Nah. Sit with me and the boys! It's always so fun and there's some real fun banter at our table."
"No, no I can't-"
"No really! I don't want u to be alone, that's depressing."

Simon wanted to change up the topic, but he notices that he already arrived at the store.
"Here's my stop. It was great talking to u again!"
"I'll come with u."
"Oh- okay!"


They had done all the shopping Simon needed to do when they left the grocery store.
The taller boy wasn't holding more than 2 items, because JJ didn't allow him to hold any more.

"Thank u, JJ, really. But I can carry my own stuff."
"Nope, I'll bring them over to ur place"

The dark-skinned boy looked up at Simon and smiled at him, making Simon crack a small smile at him, too.

They walked to his house in a comfortable silence, here and there a little bit of a chat.
When they finally reached their destination, JJ dropped the groceries in Simon's hallway and turned around.

"Bye, Si! It was a pleasure talking to u.", He gave Simon a warm smile and turned around.

"W-wait! Do you want to come inside?"
"Um, yeah sure!"

They entered Simon's home and went straight to the living room.
"Woah, nice house!", JJ commented. Simon always likes it when somebody compliments the house he lives in, because his parents think everybody hates it, when really, no one does.

"Thank u, Jide. Want anything to drink or eat?"
"Water? Or just something in general, please!"


The boys have been playing FIFA the entire time they were at Simon's. Their legs touching and arms barely an inch apart.

"Fuck! How do you win every time!", Simon whines after he lost for the fifth time.
"Guess I can't lose. I'm such a pro."
"Don't flatter yourself, mate. You're not that good, I just haven't played in a long time."
"Right, tell yourself that."
"Oh I will."


"Simon?", JJ started as they were laying on Simon's bed, watching some Netflix film they chose.

"Yes, JJ?"
"Where are your parents, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh- they're at my brother's play. I didn't think they'd take so long, but they are."
"Why aren't you there, as well?"

Simon could ask himself the same thing; i don't know.
He would've loved to see his brother up on the school's stage, performing the play he worked hard on.

"I was asleep and they didn't want to wake me up, I suppose."
"Right, okay.."

"Yes, Jide?"
"Are you homophobic?"
"No? Why'd you ask?"
"Oh, because I'm bi myself, so I needed to know if you supported it."
"You're by yourself?"
"Oh shut up."
"Of course I support you."

"Yes, JJ..?"
"Do you really not have friends?"
"I do, just not a lot."
"Like who?"
"Vik, Talia and Nick."
"Talia?", he looked at me with a smirk.
"Shut it, she isn't single."
"Who's Nick?"
"My brother."

"Oh okay- wait so we're not friends?", he pouted at Simon.
"I mean, are we?", Simon said playfully.
"We're friends, yeah."


Shortly after his question round with Simon, they had went back to the rocks where they first every hung out.

"Jide, I have to go home. My mum will be home soon."
"Before u go, one question."
"Are u actually straight?"
"Yes. Bye."

the bet - ksimon ffWhere stories live. Discover now