the bet - 1

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Hi! This is a NEW ksimon fanfic.
This book will be performed in Third Person. I wanted to try something new.
If you do not like this, you can leave a comment telling me so.

Have fun reading! <3
This story contains: 669 words.


Six in the morning. The time that Simon gets shaken awake by his mum.
Simon groans as he leans against his headboard.

"Morning, sleepyhead. Your alarm went of 4 times and you didn't even move! I had to wake you up, now didn't I? Breakfast is downstairs."

Simon's mum is about to leave as she passes him a warm smile.
Simon quickly dresses himself in his uniform and looks at himself in the mirror.

He does his hair in the bathroom. His brunette locks styled to the side. He straightened out his shirt that wrinkled due to the styling Simon did to his hair.

Simon makes his way to the kitchen and sits at the table.
Across from him, his brother is seated.

"Good morning, Nick."
"Morning Simon."

"Where's dad?" Simon asks his mother. His dad is usually home since he is an elderly man.

"At his brother's house, he decided he wanted to get out for once."

Simon leans forward to eat his breakfast, which consists of pancakes, syrup and all types of berries. It was Simon's favorite first meal of the day.

"Thank you, mum, for making us this delicious meal!"
"Anytime, Stimpy."

"Attention shortage?", Nick mumbles after chewing on his pancakes.
"Oh shut up. I'm being polite, unlike someone at this table.", Simon points his eyes towards Nick.
"Plus, I'm the favorite."
"Oh yeah? You think-"

"Quit the chitchat, boys. I don't have favorites.", Simon's mother joins in on the conversation.
"Oh well then, Simon Minter. Guess you're not the favorite after all.", Nick smirks.
The blue-eyed boy makes mocking faces at his brother and continues eating his food.


"Off you go, Mr. favorite.", Nick says when Simon hops on his bike, ready for whatever school throws at him today.
"Aren't you heading to school too?", Simon questions as he eyes the outfit Nick was wearing; a school's uniform.
"Not until a few hours, I start 2 periods later.", Nick explains.

Simon grunts, jealous of the fact that Simon starts this early and his brother gets to watch two more Netflix episodes of their favorite show.

The boy's mum makes her way towards the front door, passing a smile to the blue-eyed boy and putting an arm around his brother who is also standing against the doorframe.

"Bye Stimpy, have a good day!", Simon's mother and him share a smile towards each other.
Simon looks at Nick and smiles at him, Nick returning a smile as well.

"Bye!", Simon yells from on the road. His family waves him on and closes the door.


First period is over. It's lunchtime as JJ and his friends are seated at a table far back in the cafeteria.

"Fam, Biology is a shit subject.", JJ complains
"Nah, I like Biology. It's really fun if you really invest into it.", Vik responds

"Of course you like Biology. You're a school-nerd fam."
"I'm still your best friend, and the reason your grades are somewhat decent."

JJ can't deny Vik's statement. Vik is the reason his grades are going up.

"Anyway, Ethan how's your girl?", JJ teases.
"She's fine in both ways.", JJ and Ethan laughed and so followed the other boys at the table.

"How's your love life then, JJ?", Harry adds.
"Single, but I can make anyone fall for me.", JJ speaks confidently.
"Right, shove that up your ass.", Josh adds.

The boys laugh at all the banter.
"No but for real, I can.", JJ says.
"Wanna bet?", Tobi says in a daring tone.
"Okay, on who?", JJ accepts the bet.

"Simon Minter."
"Who's that?", JJ glances at Tobi in confusion.
"The guy Vik works with during coding."
"Oh, him. Watch me."


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