I Want to Be Yours...

Start from the beginning

I raise an eyebrow as I realize something though. "Wait, weren't you supposed to be on guard watch this morning? The same morning that was just described to us?" I say, giving him a pointed look. He scratches his head and looks away. "Well uhhh, Arue needed pRotEcTioN, so I uh had to follow him. YOU KNOW BABYSITTING. And as he is your mate's belOvEd friend, I can't pOssiBly leT him be aLonE," He says, making his words sound weirder than they have to be. I roll my eyes.

"Dude, just admit you abandoned your job altogether to go be a child on the playground with another child," I say very bluntly. He blushes hard. "NO. I was pRoTecTing hiM!" He exclaims.

Arue laughs his ass off while Tori just shakes his head. Me too, baby, me too.

"Okay dumbass, I get the picture. As Arue is here already, where Tori can watch him, you can go research into that pack that attacked us and find out more details. We need to know who they are, why they had their target on Tori, where they came from, and why in our territory. If they have any resources around here, we need to eliminate that. Spies, camps, insiders in our pack even, all of it. I'll ask dad if he knows them or anything connected to them as well," I instruct to him. Lifth drops his jaw.

Here it comes. 1...2...3–

"WHAT, WHY ME? Why are you making me do ALL the haRd WORK?!" He screeches. Tori and Arue cover their ears. This idiot still doesn't know his own voice and stupidity. "Because one, you slacked off on your first duty. Two, We need to know this information. Three, your punishment, bitch," I say the last reason in a lower tone, letting him know there is no room for objection.

He whines loudly but Arue just pats his back as his tail goes between his legs and he walks out of the store like a sad puppy. Arue kisses his cheek before he fully disappears into the woods. I roll my eyes at his dramatic display. His fault for slacking off in the first place. I was going to make another pack member do that job but he literally asked for it.

I turn to Tori as Arue walks back over to some shelves.

"Heath, you don't have to be that hard on him. I understand protecting pack territory is very important but he was just having fun with Arue, the one he likes. I know it can't be an excuse but he should also get his own happiness...and that doesn't seem to be often with living in a pack..." Tori says quietly, hoping not to upset me but wanting to voice his thoughts. My dear baby boy... "Tori, you just said it yourself—" "What if, what if it were you on duty but I asked to go to the park with you? Would you just reject me and let me go alone or would you come with me?!" He interrupts me. "Baby—" "Exactly!" I chuckle at his stubbornness. He's too cute. "Tori, you're right. I wouldn't just leave you to go alone. But what I would do as a responsible pack member is to call up one of the other wolves to come take over my post," I explain with a sigh. He pouts at me, "Well maybe Lifth doesn't have the authority to get others to take over his shifts like the leader does." I let out a sigh and pat his head gently, I do see his reasoning here but still. "It's okay. Lifth messes up a lot and he learns this way. He knows I'm not punishing him for expressing his love and happiness with Arue, just with his poor decision today," I say gently to him so as to not upset him further. "Fine..." "Baby... Look at me. It's okay, really. Aww, come here for a hug. Daddy's sorry for upsetting you."

Tori lets me wrap my arms around him while he's feeling emotional, not really hearing my words but wanting the comfort. After a couple of minutes, I let go and he seems to have calmed down.

"I should go and ask dad about that rogue pack. I, myself, can't slack off either sadly. So I will let you do your thing. I'll try to be close by but please call for me first thing if anything bad happens. Or if you just want me--" Tori covers my mouth. "Okay, I get it. I will, should I need sOmeThiNG, although I doubt it unless they come back to attack again," Tori says with a flush.

I smile under his hand and Arue giggles as he comes back to us. Tori takes his hand off and I kiss his cheek. "Alright, baby. I'll see you later then. Be safe," I pat his head and he nods. I pat Arue's back and nod at him before I make my exit out of the store.

3rd POV

Heath lets out a sigh once he's a bit away from the store. He can't help but think about Tori and why he's so attached this much. 

...This might be bad. Very bad.

I'm the leader. I need a luna. I need pups. I don't want typical pups. I want my mate to be my pup. WHAT IS THIS LINE OF THINKING?! Am I a dysfunctional wolf?! What am I even? I need a therapist!

I'm so doomed...

Lifth seems just as useless as well.

Do I have a brother? I need a brother. SOMEONE HAS TO PASS DOWN THE LINEAGE.

We're doomed. This is the end of our lineage. Way to go me. I'm the worst leader in all of leadership. WAHHHHHH.

Lifth: Usually I'm the one crying. WHAT ARE YOU WHINING ABOUT?!

Me: Get the fuck out of my head, this isn't the time. I'm going through a midlife crisis.

Lifth: Talk about random. Weren't you just acting super cool and calm with your baby?

Me: Of course, but I'm not about to let him know any of this. DO YOU HAVE A SISTER?

Lifth: You are not mating with my sister.

Me: I DON'T WANT YOUR SISTER. I'm going to make her leader and retire early.

Lifth: Retire early so you can be with your baby?

Me: Yes.

Lifth: You really are in a midlife crisis, bro.

Me: Shut up! You aren't helping at all!

Lifth: I know. I'll be nice if you stop making me do slave labor.

Me: I'll make you do more, if you want that.

Lifth: Nevermind.

He cuts off our connection right then. Pffft, typical. I suppose that is a concern to think about later. Right now, I need some answers for what happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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