Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Authors Note: This is going to be a Naruto x Kurenai story. This will not focus mainly on romance, but it will have a bit. This story starts after the invasion of the Sound and Sand.  Also this is my first story. I Hope you all like it.





                Inside the Hidden leaf village there sat a boy in a bright orange Jumpsuit. It was night time but if one looked close enough you could see the whisker marks on the boy's face, you would also see him Glaring  intensely at the ground you would see his headband with a leaf symbol on it. This boy was none other than The hidden leaf's #1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja. Naruto Uzumaki, he was the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Demon Fox. He had another title that almost no one else knew about, He was the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

                   You see Naruto was glaring at the ground because he had just lost his Grandfatherly figure, Hiruzen Sarutobi third Hokage of the hidden leaf village. 

                 'If only I had been able to beat Gaara faster. If only I was stronger'  Naruto thought 'No I can't think like that the Old Man wouldn't want me to'

                  Naruto sits there for Five more minutes 

                  Snap Naruto heard a noise from behind him. Naruto shot up, pulled at a kunai knife and threw it in the direction he heard the noise come from. He heard a cat growl at him. Out walked Tora the Demon cat. Naruto let his guard down, then started to head home to get a some sleep. Well it was more like cry himself to sleep, just like the nights before. He had been acting like his normal goofy self around everyone. At night was his only time to mourn. By the time he had gotten to his apartment his stomach started growling, it was as if he hadn't eaten two hours ago. He headed inside to warm up some ramen for himself. After it was warm he ate as fast as he could, because he really needed to sleep. He got little of it after the thirds death. After he was done he headed to his room where he changed in to his sleeping clothes and sleeping hat.

                He laid down on his bed, hugged his pillow with his arms and legs like he usually did and started crying. He eventually fell asleep.


                Naruto was awaken later by a Anbu Black Op member, who wore bird mask. He was surprised, any sane person would be if they were awoken by a Anbu member.  

"What are you doing here" Naruto questioned the Anbu member in a quiet and scared voice.

"Your presence has been requested by the Fire Daimyo" the Anbu member responded in a quiet and calm voice that scared Naruto even more than he already was. "Come with me and stay quiet"

With that Naruto and the Anbu member left Naruto's small apartment.  


Authors Note: Well this is chapter one, I really hope you guys liked it and please review. I will update this story as fast as possible after I complete the first chapter of my next story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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