𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

Start from the beginning

"You two should've been here," Chenle giggled excitedly and sprinkled one last handful of water over his oldest lover. "Nana got sand in his eyes and this random kid asked if he was getting vibe checked."

"Probably was," Jeno commented before receiving a hard punch to his shoulder from the victim of the situation.

"Try me, Bitch. I don't need divine power to bodyslam you into Mother Nature's asscrack—"

"It's getting windier," Mark noted before the playful banter actually evolved into a childish fight. He had his head tilted towards the sun which was low in the sky now, and the breeze off the water was pushing his fringe back. "It'll be cold soon..."

"I don't want to go home yet," Donghyuck quickly added though, playing with a strand of his hair, "The car journey just to get here sucked and we haven't tried the beach restaurants yet."

"All in favour of staying the night in a hotel," Chenle grinned deviously and stretched her arms up before listening to the satisfying pop of her back. "I can cancel work tomorrow and everyone else is free, so..."

"My manager wanted to chat to me, though," Jeno pouted. "I'm not in a position to turn my nose up to work."

"Join me in my life of the sugar baby," Hyuck suddenly took the man's hand in both of his and wore these ridiculously glittery eyes and wind-swept hair, "Where a certain someone pays for your life and all you have to do is look cute."

"Ew, I would sooner sell my lungs on the black market than be a sugar baby. I'm not even cute."

"Well," Chenle arched her brow before quietly sizing him up for a moment with her hand doing some, strange motions along with each thought. "I would give you a seven out of ten for cuteness. There's something about you..."

"Can I rate your annoyingness?"

"Oh, I've been rated for that!" Jaemin winked, "I'm an eleven."

"Hotel it is," Mark interrupted swiftly before shoving them all in front to start moving off the beach. They gathered their belongings from the old towel they'd laid on the sand and shoved them into the backpack on the oldest's shoulders and the satchel over Chenle's neck.

The wind did indeed pick up to whistle past their ears and rustle their clothes. The feminine member of the group squeaked when her dress started to fly around her and the straps along her shoulders slid around dangerously. Jaemin laughed from behind and held it all down, switching after a moment or two to cuddling her as they walked towards the car.

"I want to walk along the shoreline when the moon is up," Donghyuck hummed absentmindedly as he somehow had obtained yet another stick and was peeling off the thin bark as they placed their stuff into the vehicle. "You know, like in the movies."

"Movies are overrated," Mark rolled his eyes and closed the driver's door once he'd retrieved his essential items and popped them into his damp pocket. "The romance genre glorifies moments like that when really, it's the couple themselves who—"

"I have a pointy stick and I want that walk. Option one; you—"

"Let's eat dinner first, okay? Then we can walk when it's actually dark."

"You're so thoughtful, Daddy."

"He's really going to let that slide...?" Jeno whispered to Chenle and Jaemin as the trio followed the other pair towards the first beachside hotel in sight. They just passed a look to each other and as usual begged him not to dwell on it. The first rule in this relationship was to leave whatever the hell the original two did alone.

𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Where stories live. Discover now