𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚

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"I'm sorry," he sighed, lifting his chin back up and wearing more confidence than he actually felt inside. "If we can't sort this out, then there's no point in arguing over it forever. The world is bigger than just you and me, Jen," the blonde pressed, "It's not about 'yes' and 'no'. It's always about compromise, and making things work."

"Yes, except I don't see you compromising, Jaemin," the older gritted back. "I see you getting what you want and me tagging along for it."

"Wow, okay. I just want to put into perspective how many dates with my boyfriends I've missed. How many movie nights I've skipped out on. How many romantic showers I've been too late for. I don't even get to kiss them goodnight half the time because I'm away for work or going out with you. That's my compromise, Jeno. That's what I'm sacrificing right now to convince you that we're worth it."

Jeno's face did soften then, and he stopped looking directly at him for a moment just to stare at a wall and clear his thoughts. So it was apparent he didn't know how much effort Jaemin was putting in, and now he was aware. He knew dates were important and waking up together after nights of heat and passion were what made life worth living sometimes...but he couldn't imagine himself in a situation where there were five of them. It was too strange.

"Nana, I don't know what to say..."

"Say you'll come back with me. It's only eleven, okay? They'll be awake and we can talk. You just need to give them a chance to woo you."

He didn't know how much more convincing the other was going to spare him before giving up, and he didn't want to be so annoying as to drive him away with his stubbornness. In the end, he conceded with a small nod and let the boy of his dreams lead them back to the said little house down the street.

A blue hue was settled over the interior once they unlocked the door and went inside. This was the first time Jeno had been in here, as he always dropped Jaemin home and ran for it in case the others wanted to drag him back in.

The television was sending moving shadows over this blue glow and every light had been switched off elsewhere it seemed. The moderately sized kitchen was linked to the living area where they walked in, and a little hallway with about three doors would've implied where the bedrooms and bathroom were.

"Guys?" Jaemin murmured softly in case they got a fright, but no response made him frown, and so he sauntered over to take a look at the long couch supporting three unconscious boys. Mark was in the middle, cuddling Chenle and Donghyuck on either side while lights danced across their faces from the flatscreen. "Bummer, they're asleep." The host was smiling like a idiot though, chewing his thumbnail as he watched their peaceful features.

"Maybe another time," Jeno hummed and looked around again. It smelt of lavender for some reason, but it was enchanting. "I should probably go..."

Jaemin shook his head briefly before leaning over Mark and planting a gentle kiss to his forehead, waking him up in the most pleasant way possible. The new arrival stood awkwardly as he watched his favourite actor and co-star blink into consciousness and gather his bearings.

"Nana?" The deep, sleep-induced voice sent shivers down both their spines as he pulled his arms out from behind the sleeping princesses and rubbed his exhausted face. "What time is it?"

"About twenty past eleven."

"What about your date?"

𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum