𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚

Start from the beginning

Is that so? Jaemin took note mentally and placed his hands on his delicate hips in a cute way. "I see. Well now we're alone. We should get to know each other."

Bing. The alarm waving a red flag at the older was like a siren and he was instantly nervous now that someone's boyfriend was so easily flirting with him without a care. He didn't think they'd get very far, and it was all going to be a little experiment which a part of him assumed would fail. But how was this guy so shameless about it? Could he not be bothered by the fact that his boyfriend was on the stage — maybe even watching them. He was too scared to check. "You're awfully...chatty."

"Mhm, it's my strong point. I'm a host, you see. I chat people up for a living and tell them how perfect they are while they fantasise over dating me. It's quite fun really, and nobody gets hurt."

He's...interesting. "Doesn't Mark mind? Surely he doesn't like that job for you."

"Oh, of course not. But that bonehead woman up there is sucking his face right now as we speak so he has no right to lecture me. I don't care anyway. He's entitled to love who he wants as long as I'm one of them."

And there went another flag. The conversation a few weeks back about polyamory flashed before his eyes and he realised that there were actually a lot of phrases and puzzle pieces he wasn't quite sure of or even aware of. He wanted to understand everything but this was already a headache. "Why do you come to watch him?" The ravenette suddenly uttered without even realising he needed a subject change. "Mark, I mean. Don't you get...bored?"

"Have you ever been in love, Jen?" The blonde merely chuckled in response and guided them to sit down on a set of foldable chairs. "If you have, then you'd understand why staring at someone you find ethereal in every way doesn't get old. I don't like when he isn't with us, so I compromise by coming by to see him now and then."

Jeno pursed his lips and stared off into the distance, his foot tapping restlessly against the ground. It was now very obvious that this guy was mad for his co-actor, but the flirty personality was still a cause for confusion. Nobody who was seemingly that deeply in love would just up and cling to someone else. It didn't make sense. "Mark said something about polyamory before. Loving multiple people, or something..."

"Yeah, I'm surprised he did. It's a pretty big secret, you know..."

"I guess he trusts me with it then." Damn, now I feel horrible hitting on his boyfriend. "Are you?"

"Am I what?"


"Indeed I am. My interests aren't solely for men though, but Mark's are. So I've just stopped caring about girls to avoid any complications."

"Doesn't that agitate you?"

"Hah, no. Again, if Mark's happy then I am. As well as the others, of course."

"Others..." Jeno clasped his hands together and rested his two index fingers against his lips. He was getting the gist of it now, but he wasn't all that impressed with the lifestyle. It sounded like a whole lot of compromising and sharing when he himself liked to dedicate himself to one individual and spoil them. He understood how it would be a great dose of character development if one could share everything and love many...but he just wasn't built like that. "How are there so many of you though? I'd never even heard of this, yet there are already four of you? Does that mean there are loads of relationships out there like this?"

𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Where stories live. Discover now