𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚

Start from the beginning

"Because last time I—" Can I even confess to getting pinned to a wall and totally getting turned on without even knowing it was Jeno messing with me? To a child? "Last time I bumped into a wall..."

"It's too easy without them though..." the little pouted and started wringing his fingers as he sulked. "Please~"

"Hyuck, no. Seriously, doesn't anyone say 'no' to you?"

"Nope. I annoy them until they listen to me."

Son of a—

"I'm putting my foot down. No means no," Renjun gritted back and folded his arms even when it made him feel so immature. "I won't wear a blindfold and risk getting dragged into a closet by one of those monkeys upstairs."

"I'm still hearing no when I need a yes," the younger huffed and stomped his bare foot down with apparent irritation. "I'll tell Daddy."

"Oh yeah? Do it. Go tell your Daddy because he'll only threaten us both with a good time! You think I'm scared of Mark?!"

"You should be," the male suddenly went a little quiet, tilting his head to the side with a cocky grin and peering through his fringe. He held up his wrists and flaunted what appeared to be rings around them from irritating binds. He'd obviously done something pretty naughty.

"That's...that's not gonna scare me," Renjun faltered, eyeing them carefully and swallowing a thick gulp. "He couldn't do that to me anyway."

"Oh I'd be surprised if you could fair well against Daddy and Jeno," he chuckled like a little brat. "Kicking and screaming, Renjunnie. Kicking. And. Scream—"

"FUCK, fine! Fine! I'll play your stupid game with your stupid blindfolds. If I die, it'll be your damn fault."

"You won't die, Renjunnie. Not if you always say yes~" Donghyuck cooed playfully and skipped off to find those daunting black strips of fabric. The older clenched his fists by his sides and tried not to scream. The next time he saw Jaemin, he was going to tear him a new one. This was ridiculous, and their parenting skills were shocking.

The taller arrived a mere two minutes later and handed the boy the same thing he'd been given a couple of months ago. They played together a few times, but it was other games like tag, Marco Polo and the alike. "You've got thirty seconds, and no cheating," the eldest grimaced as he tied it around his eyes.


And the match had started off without much of a hitch. As per usual, Renjun had to get down on his hands and knees once he'd smashed his hip off a countertop three too many times and nearly fallen over the back of the couch once. His now filthy hands reached out in front of him and he felt the beginning of the staircase up towards the apartments, but Donghyuck had sworn they wouldn't hide up there. His chest deflated with dismay now that three minutes had gone by and he still hadn't reached him.

"Hyuck! Hint, please!"

Silence was the only response and he gritted his teeth irritatedly. His poor knees felt like they'd buckle at any given moment and his will to live was dwindling. But perhaps some God had sent him another sign, as the sound of a remote control wobbling and falling off a table resonated throughout the bottom floor and left the blonde-ravenette to smirk deviously and follow that exact noise.

𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Where stories live. Discover now