Part 2

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Part 2


I’m nervous when he pulls up to my house, to say that I’m nervous actually is an understatement. I want to completely let all my fear go, but that is just unrealistic. So instead of hiding myself, I show him who I really am. I nervously bite my lip and try to cool the fever in my cheeks. I nod and proceed to get out of his car. He doesn’t say anything at all when he comes around to me. He locks the car without muttering anything, barely a breath is all I get.

“So, what do you think?” I’m hoping he isn’t judging my garden, sure I only have yellow flowers planted and all but that’s what I like to look at. And sure they are all over the place but I think it looks quite lovely. My house is an ocean blue color, it was actually supposed to be yellow but I wanted my flowers so I had to pick blue. Ginny actually helped me pick out the color. It’s small but then again, it’s only me and Ava. Sorry Ava is my dog. But I love my home and suddenly I realize, I really want him to like it too. Why does his opinion matter so much to me?

“It’s truly lovely. Quite like you.” He turns to me finally and smiles. “I actually love it.” He is blushing now and I instantly feel relief wash over me.

“I was honestly worried you’d hate it. I was quite worried actually. I don’t why I care so much, I mean you matter to me and all but…” I try to shut up, I know my ramblings can get me into trouble and all but now I feel so childish and like a crazed fan of his. I shake my head and look away.

“You matter to me. And I surely doubt I could hate anything of yours. Mind showing me more?” He grabs my hand and I swell inside.

“Yeah, come on.” I lead him up the steps and slowly inside. The minute I step in, Ava runs up to me. I bend down to greet her. “Hey baby.” I kiss her head and pick her up. “Ava, meet Colin. He’s important Ava so be nice.” I know I’m blushing and I don’t even care.

“Nice to meet you Ava.” She practically leaps into his open arms. “I think she likes me.”

“You charmed her too. Maybe you just charm any female.” I laugh as does he. “She is quite a fan.” I watch them meet and I fall harder. He is just so good with her that I’m shocked. Ava is a really good judge of character, something I’m not as good at. She trusts him and that’s enough for me. The reason I am so nervous and doubting every aspect of my life and all is because I have been burned before. That doesn’t stop me from opening up and all because one of these days, it will surely pay off. But I look past those red flags and trudge forward. I want to be there so badly and see the good in them to a fault actually.

“I’m a fan of hers too.” He loves on her once more but she is called away.

“Ava? Where did you go?” Ginny’s voice carries through to the foyer and suddenly I panic. I actually forgot that she was watching Ava for me. She steps out from the hallway and stops once she sees him. She is at first surprised and I smack my head, how could I have forgotten about her being here? “Hello.”

Colin steps from behind me and I feel as if I’ve been caught trying to sneak a boy into my room by my mother. He smiles quite proudly and his arm briefly and purposely, skims along my arm. He steps forward and grabs Ginny’s hand.

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