𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓌𝑜

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Monday 12:42 pm


"You have got to be kidding me."

"I'm afraid not, Mrs. Peterson." Mr. Beakheart spoke, sounding bored.

"But why is there no group? And why am I debating him of all idiots?"

"Mrs. Peterson, we do not refer to any of our peers as," He hesitates, "idiots."

Okay, let me rewind. I was chosen for this week's challenge; I know, fun right? ...Wrong. The game isn't some fun scavenger hunt, it's a debate with the infamous Atlas Huxley, The number 1 fuck boy in Deerfield. He's got every girl in this school wrapped around his strangely pretty little finger. I am not happy about it.

"The topic has already been chosen." Mr. Beakheart paused while looking down at a piece of paper.

"Well? What is it?" I spoke as I stared down at the bald man across the table. Maybe if I intimidated him enough, he would choose someone else this week. My eyes started narrowing, but then I felt like I might have looked like I was squinting, so I reset my face.

"The debate is on whether or not we shall continue requiring students to wear uniforms."

Really? That's it? Well, this isn't hard at all.

"I would like to debate against the uniforms."

"Yes, Estelle, that has already been established."

I scoffed. Of course, the boy chooses to be in favor of uniforms. He gets to walk around staring at girls in skirts all day long, why would he want that to change?

"Remember this Friday, at 7 pm, in the theater. Don't be late."

I saluted as I stood up from the plush chair and walked towards the exit of his office.

 "Don't forget, if you win, Mrs. Peterson, there will no longer be uniforms."

I flashed him a thumbs-up as I pushes open the door. This is the most idiotic, stupid, absolutely infuriating thing that has ever h-. I came to an abrupt halt as I spot Atlas leaning against the corner of a wall with a blonde girl in front of him, twirling her hair. He looks up and smirks at me, paying no mind to the desperate girl. I give him the best dirty look I've got and walk away, swaying my hips more than is probably necessary. 

You know what? I will win this debate. I don't care if it takes completely obliterating my social life. If that is what it takes to knock Atlas' outrageously big ego down a few notches, so be it.

I sent a quick text to Olive because I know she would not hesitate to murder me if I didn't tell her every detail of my insignificant life the moment anything happens. 

Ollie <3

me: hey olive, just got chosen to debate against atlas, how's your day been☺️

I barely got the chance to look up from my screen before the familiar ding of a message pierced through the hallway. Quickly adjusting my volume, I checked to see what Olive said.

ollie <3: SHUT THE FUCK UP


Welp looks like my non-existent plans just got canceled. Oh well

1:56 pm

I open the door to my favorite coffee shop, Samaveda, and hold it for an elderly woman to walk in. She gives me a warm smile and it melts my heart. The smell of coffee and baked goods wafts into my body, and a wave of much-needed peace washes over me.

I head straight for the register and greet the barista before I ask for my regular, iced caramel latte. She jots down the order before giving me a number card and starting my order.

I find an empty table by a window overlooking the outdoor sports area. Deerfield is infamous for our prestigious sports, especially baseball. I can faintly see the team practicing and I have the sudden urge to roll my eyes at the thought of Atlas being in the same vicinity as me.

Abruptly, a chair is roughly placed in front of me, and I don't have to look up to know it's Olive.

"Hey, babe." She greets while setting her Louis Vuitton handbag on the table.

"Before you start interrogating me, I just want to let you know I am not happy about this, and any excessive mention of he who shall not be named will automatically put me in a bad mood," I grumbled to her, although I knew it would go in one ear and out the other. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But please don't leave me hanging. At least tell me what the debate is about." Olive questioned while she scooted her chair closer to the table, if that was even possible.

I sighed, giving up, "Well, I have to debate in favor of getting rid of the uniforms." I braced myself for her reply.

"No way! Thank fuck!" Olive practically shouted to the whole world.

Just then, the barista arrived at our table before giving Olive a weird look and placing our drinks on the table. I gave her my best fake smile while silently cursing out Olive for her loud mouth. When the barista finally made her way back to the register, I slowly turned my head to Olive. 

"Olive, for the love of God, would you please keep it down."

"No, no, I will not quite down, Do you know how long I have been waiting to get out of these disgustingly preppy and uncomfortable uniforms? Estelle, honey, I will literally marry you if you can keep me from having to put this on at 7 in the morning every day." Olive was clearly very passionate about this topic, which in turn, fired me up even more.

"I'll try my best but no promises. I might need help too." I explained hesitantly.

"No worries, Consider all my plans this week canceled." She stated in a final tone while taking a sip of her matcha. "By the way, I heard through the grapevine you had a little run-in with Theo; care to share?" She said with an evil smile growing on her lips.

Oh no, I knew this one was coming. "Uh yeah." I stumbled over my words nervously, not knowing how to go about this. Oh, fuck it, it's just Olive. "He's so hot; I can't. Whenever I see him, I just want to pounce on him like some kind of cat. 

Olive snorted "I know the feeling, babe." Olive has had a crush on Liam Alexander since sophomore year; she doesn't even try to hide it. The only thing stopping her is his girlfriend. She does not want anything to do with being a homewrecker.

"We should drink tonight, just the two of us; it sounds like we need it," I say, figuring she would agree.

"Sound perfect; I'm so in." We smile at each other, knowing it will probably not end up with just the two of us.

AN: Hope you liked this chapter. Once again, please vote and leave any nice comments on grammatical errors; love yall :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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