1: Betrayed

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Hi! New story! Disclaimor: none of the characters belong to me.


Percy's pov:

The war against Gaea was over. It was peaceful and I loved it. It was nice to just spend time with my cousins and friends, and of course my Wise Girl, Annabeth. I loved it.

Notice I am talking in past tense.

That was 3 days ago. Now. You're probably thinking, How can your life change from la-la land to Tartarus?

Well, here's how that transition happened,


I left for my proving-myself-to-Athena quest, 2 hours after James, a new camper, arrived. He seemed chill, but through the two hours, somehow Jason, Reyna, The Stolls and Katie hated me. Don't ask.

I had finished the 12 labors of Hercules in 3 months (I know, very original, deal with it) to have Annabeth's hand in marriage. I was excited, honestly, though, I was nervous. I hope I don't make a fool of myself.

I walked into camp, smiling like an idiot. Some people were glaring at me and giving me looks of disgust, but I didn't care. Annabeth. That was my Northern Star right now. That reminds me of Zoe...Bob says hello...

I knocked on Athena's cabin's door, knowing that Malcolm will open. He always does.

"Hi!" I greeted, with my famous lop-sided grin. He gave me a look of disgust,

"What do you want, Percy?" He spat, moving his right foot, waiting for me to leave. Ouch.

"Uh...well, ya know where Annie is?" I asked, my smile faltering. He looked bored,

"Give her space, for once, Percy! Let her breath---" He said, shooting his hands up in annoyance, extending the word 'breath'.

It felt like a knife into my heart.

"She's at the big-house," he muttered and slammed the door shut. I tried smiling, but only a small one came out. I turned around and skipped to the big house, keeping my excitement of proposing.

"Mhh, yeah, yeah, that's the spot, yeah!" I heard moaning, which caught me by surprise, so I hid behind a tree.

I saw a boy, with black hair, whom I immediately identified as my stupid, moronic brother, James, and a girl with princess blond curls.

She suspiciously looked like Annabeth, so I kept hidden, narrowing my eyes.

She would never cheat on me.

"Annie, when are you going to break up with my pathetic brother?" James moaned out,

"S-soon, yeah, I'll just break up with him during camp-fire. I never loved him, my heart is yours, Jamie," the girl hummed.

It came like a spear into my chest.

"A-Annabeth?" I stuttered, walking out of my hiding spot.

"P-p-percy?" She quickly jumped off of James, "W-what are y-you doing  here?" She asked, stuttering,

"Could ask you the same thing," I said, my voice rising,

"I can explain --" She started, her eyes calculating,

"Save it," I snapped, making her jump, "I was doing the 12 labors of Hercules to just marry you and prove myself, then I come back and you're cheating with that moron," I growled. I took out the small cloud-grey box and threw it at them as I ran off.

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