The First Day To Diet

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Name of the girl:Shir Lene
She is a tennis player but she is a little overweight.
The day she decide to go on a diet:17 October
She had two brothers
(older brother :Raymond.... Younger brother :Rayshawn)
She is a Malaysian.
Her religion is Bhudda.
Weight :65kg
Height :158cm

As usual, Shir Lene was waken up by her furious mother. Then she went to the bathroom to bath. After finished bathing she wear her clothes and feed her pets. Shir Lene had a lot of pets..... They are Guinea pigs, rabbits, chickens, birds, pigeon, ducks, fish, dogs and cats.... She is a pet lover. After finishing feeding her pets she needs to get ready for her online classes. By the way, she also needs to help her younger brother to set up his laptop to join his online classes. Meanwhile his older brother will be helping their parents to prepare to go for a job. After the parents leave their home to work, Shir Lene and her siblings continues on their online classes on their rooms.

After a long time.... They finally completed all of their online classes and homeworks. After that the boys decided to play video games together while Shir Lene lying on her bed scrolling tik tok. Suddenly, she saw a video about a girl and who is from Indonesia succeed to become a trainee on a company.... So she decided to continue to chase her dream. She start to search and study how diet properly and how to do some simple workouts routines for beginners like her.

After a long time learning the routines, she starts to be more confident. Without wasting her time, she quickly starts the routine.

This is her routine :

1. Wake up at 7.
2. Do some stretching that can help to loose your fat.
3. Go for a walk for 15 or 30 minutes.
4. Drink a bottle of water (500ml-1000ml)
5. Prepare for online classes.
6. Finish homeworks.
7. Do some workouts.
8. Take a bath.
9. Eat a healthy lunch (contain vegetables, meat and soup.... No rice or bread)
10. Play mobile games with brothers.
11. Feed pets.
12. Change the pets poops.
13. Do some revision.
14. Practice some dancing and singing.
15. Flower the plants.
16. Do laundry.
17. Do the dishes.
18. Play games with your brothers (again)
19. Practice dancing and singing (again)
20. Do some sport.
21. Do house chorus.
22. Scrolling tik tok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and wattpad.
23. Do some stretching that can help to loose your fat.
24. Sleep.

Shir Lene keeps doing her routine until she gets what she wants (slim body and some abs). After one month, Shir Lene had loss 5 kg, which means a lot for her. She also grow 3cm taller.
But,her body doesn't reach her target yet, so she decides to try harder and jeep going. After three months, she finally reach her target, she was sooo happy. She had loss 10 kg and grow 9cm taller. Which means she is 55kg and her tall is 167cm. Shir Lene is very happy.

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