Chapter 58 - Us little angels have no conscience

Start from the beginning

Ran Xing, the new name of the company Su Yi had once been in after they were bought by Chu Corporation.

Su Yi said, "— How about you find me the contact information to the second-most powerful PR company?"

"Got it, I'll help you keep an eye out. You must think this through – if you don't get rid of her this time, then you should prepare to be faced with even more harassment."

Su Yi 'hmmed' casually. The staff opened the door then, looking a little awkward. "Yi-jie, umm, your photoshoot might have to wait."

Wu Xue got up. "What's the problem?"

The staff laughed drily. "Director Allen says that the company suddenly wants to change a celebrity and are still in the midst of discussions."

Su Yi's brows raised. "Meaning that I should wait for them to finish their meeting and come to a decision to see if I'll continue the photoshoot?"

"— Yeah."

"Then let them continue slowly discussing." Su Yi took off her shoes. "Let them inform me after they're done discussing."

In the car, Wu Xue asked, "Angry?"

This last-minute happenstance meant that what she'd done recently was as good as useless.

"Nah, everyone wants revenge. Me, and Allen." Su Yi crooked a finger at her. "Since we have time, I'll take you out for a spin."

It's uncertain whether Wu Xue's brain had shorted out. After a moment of silence, she got up and gave up the driver's seat.

They said to drive around* and it really was driving around catching the wind. She rolled down both windows and went at only 30 miles, even whistling. Wu Xue laughed at her. "You're just like a female vagrant."

[*the phrase here literally means 'catch the wind']

They hadn't driven for too long when Wu Xue got Pasion's call.

As expected, they'd changed the face and terminated the contract directly. Everything they'd filmed before was trashed, and they'd found a new celebrity for this winter-line. But the other requested that after they release their winter items, Su Yi should still work with them. It's not her own commercial, but she still had to help them publicise it – it was a little strange.

Su Yi heard it and nodded lightly. "Sure, it's just a like and a reblog, it's all just fingerwork."

Wu Xue glanced at her, saying with confusion, "You really aren't angry?"

"I really am not angry." Su Yi laughed. "Others might even call me a white-eyed wolf. Back then, Allen had got me this position against everyone's criticisms, but now I've soured our relationship."

Wu Xue laughed too. "When you put it that way, it really is so."

"But nothing else can be done. If I really must sleep with him to repay him, then I'd rather break the contract and pay the fine, or what difference would it be from when I was under Lin Xia?"

She had just finished saying it when the phone rang. Because she was driving Su Yi had Wu Xue pick up first.

Hearing Wu Xue's respectful tone, Su Yi knew who had called.

As expected, Wu Xue hung up and said, "Director Chu says that he's waiting for you at home."

"Got it."

Wu Xue held it in for a while before finally asking still, "You're staying together?"

"About there." Chu Ying now came to her house about four or five times a week, and he stayed back every time.

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