Chapter 56 - Fated to fall in love with you at first sight

Start from the beginning

The supermarket was really huge, and there were plenty of ingredients in the fresh section.

"What do you want to eat, fish, beef, pork?" Su Yi held Chu Ying's hand, squatting down and looking at the fish in the tank. "These fish are really fat, let's eat fish, I can make sweet and sour fish."

Chu Ying looked at the little head beside him, his eyes filled with gentleness. "All right."

The woman's figure was tall, and although she had covered herself up tightly, she still attracted a lot of attention. On top of that, there's a handsome guy that looked at least one metre and ninety centimetres with her – really, wherever they went they were the centre of attention.

Not long after, the cart in front of them was full. After picking the ingredients, when passing by the fruits section Su Yi stopped and said, "Let's get some fruits, there's none at home."

Chu Ying tipped his head. "All right."

Su Yi picked up a watermelon and patted it a few times.

"This is good." She put the watermelon in the cart.

A girl approached them from the side. "Are you Su Yi?"

Su Yi tugged on her mask and didn't reply directly. "Hello."

Although the girl had greeted her, her gaze kept wandering over to Chu Ying. "That, can you take a photo with me?"

"I'm sorry." Su Yi declined politely. "It's personal time, it's not too convenient."

The girl didn't want to give up. "It'll be quick."

Su Yi shook her head once more. Perhaps the girl felt that she was being shamed – her expression wasn't too nice.

This little interruption was over in a moment. Meal-break was over and there weren't that many people in the mart. The two left very soon after paying for their items.

After taking a taxi back, Su Yi closed the door, took the bag from Chu Ying and entered the kitchen.

Chu Ying followed her closely, automatically washing the vegetables.

Su Yi descaled the fish naturally, abruptly saying, "Today... you came to pick me up from work?"

Chu Ying didn't stop. "Yeah."

Su Yi was silent for a moment. "Why didn't you call me?"

Or perhaps it might be better to ask, why not call her when he reached the parking lot?

"I was afraid of interrupting your work." Chu Ying put the clean vegetables aside. "Anything else you need me to do?"

"— Yes."

"What is it?"

Su Yi put on the apron – she was still clutching a fish in one hand – and tilted her head, saying, "Kiss me once."

The guy didn't dally about it. Leaning down, he dropped a kiss as light as a dragonfly touching the water.

Su Yi spent more than half an hour in the kitchen and finally produced an entire table's worth of dishes.

Chu Ying didn't eat very daintily. Her bowls weren't too big; with two mouthfuls the guy could finish half a bowl of rice. It didn't take long before everything was polished.

Su Yi had a dishwasher, they didn't need to do the dishes. So, after showering, the two got onto bed together.

The guy held her when they slept, as usual, his hands very respectfully placed on her waist, not wandering about. Su Yi's back was to him. Her back, pressed against his chest, was really warm.

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