"Which she will have to deal with. I'm over her being so cruel to me and seriously what the hell does she mean by saying she's one of the boys?"

"Honestly like we don't like her."

"I'm tired of her dragging me everywhere."

"I agree with Casey and Mace so how do we help?"

"Next stage is tomorrow. Lizzy will text you guys the plan."

"Wait so we don't have a scene to film?"

"No Mace."

"Oh thank god. I'm tired. Sleepover at my house?"

We had all agreed when we hear a voice behind us.

"Count me in!"

"Umm okay see you guys at 7.30?

Of course she's coming. It's currently 6.45 and we all go out different ways. Aidan walks with me to our apartment.

"I just realised that Lilith has never flirted with me. Am I that unattractive?"

"Oh please she just knows you'll stand up for yourself.."

"So your saying I'm attractive?"

"I don't know, am I?"

"Yes you are but that's not the question."

"Haha but to make you feel good about yourself you are attractive."

"A lot of things can make me feel good about myself."

I laugh of his joke and then after a minute I stop.

"You dirty bastard!"

"It took you so long to understand."

"You know what else is long?"

"Oh yeah and you say I'm dirty."

"The walk from the set to our apartment."

Aidan shoves my shoulder and I laugh. We finally got to the apartment and he throws two jumpers at me, ripped jeans, his boxers, my underwear, and a pair of trackpants for him. I catch the things thrown at me with no suprise seeing as we had done this millions of times.

"Why do you need two jumpers?"

"For you so you don't steal mine."

"What if I steal it anyway?"

"Then I will be cold."

"I could always warm you up."

"Enough with the dirty jokes that's my thing."

I try my best not to laugh but a chuckle comes out causing him to pick me up and throw me on the bed.

"You are lucky we are already late otherwise I would punish you."

I use the spare key I have to get into the house and we walk in to see everyone already lying down and talking.

"Well if it isn't the perfect couple."

"We aren't dating."

"I am one of the boys and I can tell you guys have gotten together."

"Yn never said that we didn't hook up she simply said we aren't dating."

We sat and talked till it was 12 and by then everyone had cuddled into someone. Aidan and I were together and he kept on whispering the weirdest things into my ear.

"Yn you look confused tell us what's on your mind."

So much for doing phase two tomorrow.

"Just thinking about dying my hair blue before the premier."

"That would be so cool!"

I smile and feel Aidan's arms wrap around me as we all fall asleep.

*One day till premier*

I was sitting with Aidan on our king sized bed. We had admited to ourselves that we have been acting like a couple for years and had agreed to make it official at the premier.

There was only one stage left and as we were now on set we could put it in motion.

"Guys we found out one of the questions the interviewers will ask!"

We weren't lying.

"What is it?"

"Probably why you are still on the show."

"No.. it's what do you listen to music on."

"Weird question. What are you guys going to say?"

Everyone said phone except for Aidan and I.

"Music record player 014."

"I love that too!"

Hard to love something that doesn't exist but okay. At the end of the day Lilith sent me a picture of her dying her hair blue and I told her that I will talk later saying I had to do the same. I lay down besides Aidan and smile at him.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"No need to I can tell by the staring problem you have."

"Why am I dating you again?"

"Because I'm your best friend who was also full of benefits and now I'm-"

"Your my everything now. Well I guess you always have been."

"You are my everything too."

"Marry me?"


"When we are older will you marry me?"

"What if we aren't together?"

"What could possibly break us up?"

"Good point."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

*Premier day.*

Lilith walks out of her car in a knee length old fashioned dress and sea green hair. Oh my god. She hadn't noticed Aidan and I but we could hear her interview.

"What's your favourite way to listen to music?"

"I love the Music record player 014."

"What's that?"

"Yn and Aidan will know!"

We walk over and her mouth drops at my newly made half thigh length dress and my natural hair colour.

"Do you two know what a Music record player 014 is?"


"Nope. What is it?"

"No idea but is it true you guys are a couple?"

"Yes it is and I love her deeply."

"I love Aidan more than acting. I would do anything for him."

"Stop stealing my spotlight! You and your slut of a friend are always stealing my spotlight!"

Lilith slaps me and goes to run but trips over falling straight on her faces and we watch a picture slide out of her handbag. It had Lizzy's eyes scratched out and a heart around mine and Aidan's. This girl is fucked up. Lizzy walks over to us watching security drag Lilith away.

"Thank you for helping me and just so you know. I called your relationship."

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now