The b!tch aka number 8

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I try walking as sturdy as possible well walking towards the stairs knowing the umbrella academy was watching but John, number four, was running and he hadn't seen me, so much for coming off nice and with that thought I stuck my foot out in front of me. John went falling down the stairs landing face first in front of the umbrella academy.


"Yes father?"

"Care to tell me how Number Four fell down the stairs?"

"Well if he did it like a normal person I'm assuming he missed a step but than again it's John we are talking about"

As Reginald rolled his eyes the rest of the sparrow academy snickered. Nobody really liked John and from what I could observe our John was umbrella academys Luther.

"Six, the umbrella academy, Ben and I are having a meeting the rest of you can leave."

"Why do I have to stay?"

"Just sit down."

As the group's sit down I notice a boy around my age to my left he was the guy that got everyone trapped here I think his name was Frank or something. Ben sat on my right glaring at the boys which I found funny seeing as I am like 20 years older than everyone here.

"I knew you would all show up eventually."

"What could have gone wrong? Why did the future change?"

"You idiots changed it somehow-"
"We seemed to change it somehow-"

Five and I both glare at each other. We both knew we were the smartest here so with a click of my fingers I enhanced fives power borrowed it and teleported everyone but Reginald, five and I out.

"Now that we can have a conversation with people who are smart how do we fix this?"

"We? No. You and Five will come up with a way."

With but another jinx we decide to get to work.

*3 months later*

Its surprising how fast you can get to know someone in the span of 3 months. Right now Five and I were working on the last equation to split our realities back in two without anyone being deleted but for some reason my heart wasn't into the idea... I think I like Five.

*Fives pov*

Its been 3 months and Six and I have gotten really close. She was sitting on my lap leaning her chest against mine well trying to write on the wall, this was it my family and I were going home but something held me back... Call me crazy busy think I'm in love.


"That would be me."

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did."

She looks at me with a cute smile and I chuckle a bit while testing my chin on her head.

"Will you come to my reality with me?"

"I can't Five. I have my family to look after. Plus you don't need me."

"Bullshit, you hate your family and even if I don't need you I want you?"

"Are you saying-"

"Be my girlfriend we can live a normal life in my reality well as normal as it gets please Six please."

"How could I say no?"

*Ten years later*

"Do you Five take Six to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Good. With no legal rights I pronounce you married or something."

"Happy to have that choice of something."


"You know I love you."

"I love you t-"

"Its just plan b."

And with that Y/n kicked off her heels and ran down the stairs laughing with Five on her tail

"Stairs are dumb what dumbass decided to get married in Infront of stairs?"

"You baby"

"Well it's okay now. Oh my god I remember when I thought your name was Frank. Damnnn memories. Poor John went flying down the stairs as well"

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now