Chapter 9: The Quidditch World Cup

Start from the beginning

The question caught you off guard but you nodded, he sighed and slung an arm over your shoulders as you walked, "Fred did tell me of course, but I wanted to hear it from you too. I'm just glad I won't have to be caught in the middle for the rest of my life just because the two of you are stubborn idiots."

You laugh at that, "we really are stubborn aren't we?"

"Yep and honestly the pair of you would bicker a lot less if you actually used your words, just a suggestion," he smirked down at you, his brown eyes glinting impishly.

"When did you get so wise, Georgie?"

"So it all started when my Mum met my Dad-"


Just then you caught up with the Diggorys who met you halfway across the field. They greeted your group joyfully, Amos Diggory clapped Arthur on the back in greeting, and eagerly shook hands with everyone. Cedric was far more reserved than his father, instead opting to greet everyone but you with a wave or a quick handshake and a smile. You were the first to hug him and both of you were delighted to see each other again. You both lingered in the hug a little longer than was probably necessary but when you felt the others walk up behind you, you pulled back.

With a slight shock you realised that the twins were right behind you, but you were even more shocked when Fred stepped forward first and held out his hand to shake Cedric's, "good to see you, mate," followed by George who also shook his hand, leaving Cedric looking as bewildered as you felt.

They even pulled him aside after he had said hello to the rest of your friends, and the three of them shared a laugh about something, and then the twins each patted him on the back and walked back to you. You stared at them in astonishment, "who are you and what have you done with Fred and George Weasley?" They just rolled their eyes at you almost at the same time, and Fred rested his arm across your shoulders as your party started walking again.

"What did you say to him?" You asked, letting your curiosity get the better of you. "In summary," George said, "we decided that it was time to forgive the bloke for cheating- I mean, winning the Quidditch match against us last year."

You almost tripped over your own feet in shock but Fred caught you and steadied you with the arm that was still over your shoulders, "you did what?" you asked them incredulously.

"And we invited him to get Butterbeers with us in the Three Broomsticks sometime," Fred told you smugly, "we figured, he's your friend so we should treat him like it." They both chuckled at your stunned expression, your mouth had fallen open and you were completely speechless, "we can be adults sometimes you know, Y/N," George said cheerfully.

"I still think he's a git though, but we'll beat him in Quidditch this year," Fred smirked and you smacked them both in the chests from where you stood between them, shaking your head in exasperation, but you couldn't hide the smile from your face.


You walked for what felt like hours, all of you panting and sweating as you climbed over hills and across the grassy plains where the Portkey was supposed to be. You walked ahead a bit and caught up to Harry, who you hadn't gotten a chance to properly talk to last night. Ron and Hermione had essentially dragged him away when he arrived, but you didn't mind. Once you caught up with him and you threw an arm over his shoulders, he greeted you cheerfully and you talked and caught up on each other's lives.

While walking and chatting with him, you realised just how much you'd missed the younger boy. He'd become something of a younger brother to you since you first met him four years ago in his first year, when you'd offered to give him guidance on the wizarding world from the perspective of someone else who grew up in the Muggle world like he and Hermione had. As you walked side by side, he filled you in on all the details of his eventful exit from Privet Drive, the story leaving you in stitches of laughter.

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now