Arc 3 Chapter 3 - Exploring

Start from the beginning

"Why are we here anyway. If we wanted to reach the cave, we should have veered slightly further to the east." Kouenji had been the one leading us on this side path, and I wasn't sure why.

"True, but I felt that I might as well help in some way. Did you not pay attention to the island properly? I expected more, Ayanokouji-boy."

I took a moment to look around the area we were at. Kouenji had led me here for a reason, and he claimed it was to be helpful, so he was obviously highlighting something important.

It took a moment, but I soon noticed a flash of yellow throw the trees, just below the top of them.

"The corn field."

"Hahaha so you did see it after all."

"I'm not as tall as you. You can see over these trees much easier than I can."

It was true. Kouenji was taller than me, a fact that had to be acknowledged. It did give him an advantage over me in some situations, like now.

"Excuses are the refuge of the pitiful, especially when it's something as petty as height."

"I should thank you for leading me here. I had noticed it, but I wasn't sure how to get here."

I had spent most of my time on the boat dealing with Kikyou and noticing main features of the island. Smaller details like the paths between spots was something I hadn't taken careful note of. I had a rough idea of how to traverse the island, but other than that I hadn't a clue.

"Distracted by your woman, I see. Perhaps there still is hope for you after all..."

Kouenji teasing? What was this island doing to his mind? It was imperative he retired as soon as possible.

"We don't have time for such nonsense, if we want to get to the cave before anyone."

I mentally marked down how to get to the corn in my mind. It would be worth coming back for after our little trip, so I had something to show for abandoning the class. I didn't particularly care what they thought, but if I selected a leader, ran off and returned with nothing their complaints would be ceaseless. Really, I just wanted to nap for the first few days, before anyone made their move.

We began to move again, heading towards the cave. Really the stop had only take a few minutes, but Katsuragi, or whoever got to the cave first would be a smart leader. If they were capable of getting their leader to the cave straight away, then they would also be capable of getting their class organised very quickly.

We were almost there, having taken slightly longer due to Kouenji's inability to walk past a vine without swinging on it, when he broached a conversation again.

"I must say I was impressed with how you solved Class C's pitiful attempt to attack us."

I had not expected this of all things to come up in conversation.

"It wasn't that impressive. You could have exposed Komiya just as easily as I did."

"Don't take me for a fool, Ayanokouji-boy. I may seem disconnected from the rest of the grade, but I notice enough, and if there is one thing I am confident in it's my perceptiveness."

This was a serious conversation. For Kouenji to cease his 'perfect human' act and admit he had one characteristic that was better than others was a sign of how serious he was here.

"What are you trying to say, Kouenji?"

I wasn't going to admit to anything.

"You played a dangerous game. It was entertaining, but you walked a fine line with the risk you took."

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