Summon Thine Spirit

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Standing among the now large crowd of people, Hamilton stared in disbelief of how simply they believed the lie. 

Word really gets around these parts, and now he sits here, wondering how he could reach and let these people know that this had all resulted from a joke that he had pulled to scare his family and good friends. 

Good lord, how'd it go this far?

~A week earlier~

Alexander chuckled as he sat down with Julian, a friend, and Philip Church, his nephew. "So, here's the plan.."

Leaning in, Alex whispered, "So... The idea is to make them believe we have summoned the spirit of a soldier who had died in the Battle of Yorktown..." Pointing towards another room, Hamilton grinned, knowing the talking within the walls had been too loud for them to hear such a scheme. 

Julian's eyes shimmered with excitement, and he leaned in further, listening to what the man had to spew. "How are we going to manage to do such a thing?"

"Ah! Julian! I'm glad you asked! Cause you're going to be "summoning" the spirit." Hamilton plotted, adding air quotations to the word 'summoning'. This had been a long running joke the author had; being able to summon dead from where they rested and speak with them. 


"Phil. Your part of this is to act out as well. You need to seem entirely convinced that I had seen this summoned spirit. Like you had convinced your father."

"Oh-hoh! That will be fun! I can write a name on a card, and allow Mr. Niemcewicz to read it off to everyone." 

"Is it settled then?" Alexander smirked, looking between the two.

"Consider it done." Julian grinned, standing up. "I will be happy, to start the show."

"Mom is going to be pissed when she finds out I'm faking this." Philip laughed, standing as well. He smoothed his hair back, almost snickering at the idea. 

"Angelica will do nothing more than glare you down, Phil. You are a grown man now, yourself! Pit the blame on me, though. I can handle it!" Alexander laughed, patting the male on the back. "Let's go." 


Alexander had walked out past the family room, dismissing himself to retire into his room for a moment, assuring he wouldn't be long. 

Julian took his queue, and soon followed suit, entering the room soon after Hamilton was out of sight. Lifting a small glass of champagne, he tapped a spoon against it, drawing the attention of those in the room. "Lend all ears to me, for I have a story to enchant thee with." The Polish man chirped.  

All had fallen quite, and eyes rested on the author. 

"I am a man much known for my Literature- but I have much more than the happy talent of such composition. A dear friend of mine had lent me a special skill after his timely demise." He looked among the others, noticing glances of interest, glances of confusion. "That, dear friends, was the gift to speak with the dead!"

Philip hurried in, acting as if he was concerned. He held a card out to the man before looking at his family. Some were joking, others rolled their eyes with a grin. "You may not believe it, but all is true! He spoke to my former writing-master! Brought him from the dead! A happy talent much lent from General Kosciuszko... Something so magical..." 

"A happy gift!" Julian cut back in, impressed by the other man's acting. "But, be wary. Half the time you know not of what you're bound to summon when you have such a righteous gift." He took a long drink from the champagne glass, a mere smile forming across his lips. 

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