double trouble

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i sit in the slytherin common room by myself smoking a cigarette. in silence, everyone else seemed to leave. but i liked being alone. i sat there watching the fire burning brightly.. i hear the door open and close again. two sets of footsteps following afterwards. getting closer and closer.

i sit up and turn around, yet i see no one. i turn back to face the fire when two boys...

no, not just two boys. the riddle brothers, step in front of me

they just stare, straight at me. i gulp, every student in this school fears them, i do too but i pretend as if i'm not scared. i stare back and they intensely grin.

i was sat in the corner of the sofa, but mattheo picked me up and lifted me up. shuffling himself where i was sat. then placing me on top of his lap facing him. i get confused.
he moves his arms around my back and continues to stare
tom kneels next to the sofa and moves my head by my chin with his hands. i look back at the both of them confused. i begin to say..

"excuse me? what are you do-" i get interrupted by mattheos hand covering my mouth.
"shh sh sh, what are you doing in here all alone?"
he picks up my cigarette from my mouth and smokes it
i try muffle a "hey! that's mine" but his hand covers all sound, so i just frown instead.
the brothers look at eachother once more and laugh quietly. tom starts stroking my hair as they both still stare.

mattheo removes his hand  and rubs his hand gently across my cheek
"we thought.. seeing as you're alone, you may want you know. company" tom says
"i was fine actually. and give me my cig back mattheo"
"hmm no, come get it"
he puts me on the sofa and stands up. walking away, tom grabs the rest of the pack from my pocket and follows mattheo. both of them having sinister looks on them, i follow them quickly to wherever they are going
they walk into their dorm. once i get in they shut the door. i get slammed on the wall by tom, he gets close to my face. i don't understand what's happening. i look down and see mattheo on his knees, looking at my skirt. he lifts my skirt and tom puts a hand around my neck.

"we're going to have fun with you pretty girl, yes?"
mattheo says against my thigh. i feel his breath run up my leg.
"waiting on an answer princess"
mattheo grabs both my thighs with him hands and starts to kiss up my leg. my breath hitches, i look at tom. he gets closer to my face before looking at mattheo, mattheo nods at him.

tom kisses me slowly. then pulls back slightly. eating for me to put in effort, something happened to how i was thinking. a smirk appears on my face before kissing him back. i hear mattheo say "that's more like it" before he rips off my underwear and lifts my skirt and goes right in.

one thing leads to another.

i'll let you imagine ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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