conversation ; 2.0

Start from the beginning

"Yeah thanks." Y/N didn't actually hear what he said, but from Juan's somehow hear-able smile, it's going to be good.

"Oh yeah, did you call me with Ethan's number yesterday?" Juan asked, "I've been trying to remember what I forgot to ask you and now I remember."

"Yeah I did."

"Okay, just making sure."

Juan walks away, leaving Y/N once again alone with her precious work. A small, orange post-it note stood out among all the ones below her table's glass cover, 'the faster, the better!' written by Lana on it.

It keeps her going.


"You seem tired," Y/N's gaze fixed on to Juan, who's driving exceptionally weird today, his eyebrows furrowing in distress and his back was arched- he's the type of guy to sit behind the wheel like a walnut with eyes so lazy that you're afraid he's gonna fall asleep any second.

"I'm just upset." The sky was dark, enabling Y/N to see the glint in Juan's eyes.

"Can you tell me why?"

"No, let's talk about something else. I'll tell you when I think I want to."

"Okay... let's talk about Jane, then," Y/N lean back on her seat, "I actually didn't hear what you said about her earlier, just before you went away. I could feel your smile, though!" her laugh finished the sentence.

"I reported her, and everyone signed my homemade petition," Juan explain, "the manager looked satisfied."

"Wait why was I not included in the petition? I would've signed the biggest sign on the petition for that."

"I swear, you did sign it. Didn't you realize?"

A drop of rain interrupted Juan's concentration, the dark insides of his car forces him to look at his own reflection. It was the moment he realized a thing or two about himself, when he realized the salt was never much less compared to the sugar- he was like a lazily made cake, just needs a little sprinkle here and there for him to be fresh again.

'What the fuck was I even thinking...'


"Sorry I thinking of something way more important that your entire existence," Juan's eyes squish happily, visible to Y/N from the mirror.

"You're a menace. You didn't hear what I said?"


"I was just asking if we can stop by that place over there, I think Lana would like those fruits. Of course, only if you don't mind. I mean, you're the one helping my cannot-drive self out."

Juan lightly nodded, turning his wheel to get on the other side of the road.

It was a simple mini market, the fruit stand looked stunning under the rain with it's sparkling lights. Juan looked over Y/N while she ask prices. He swears there's something fishy going on with his little crush's life. Or rather, he knows that something is wrong.

He's just not sure, but somehow his heart tells him it is what he thought it was.

"Y/N, would you be in a hurry to go home after we visit Lana?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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