𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟔: 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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"Ah." He answered, his tongue clicking as it touched the roof of his mouth. "You misunderstood me. Let me ask again in terms you would understand. Do you like winning, Lilith?"

"You're asking me if I like to outstretch the capabilities of others and feel some kind of personal satisfaction for it?" She smirked at him, adjusting herself in her seat and crossing her legs over each other as her hand brought her drink to her mouth. Just like Severus had done, she allowed it to touch only her lips first and then softly tilted her head back slightly as the liquid spilled down her throat. She placed her glass back down the table as she swallowed the water, her eyes still trained on Severus.

"No." She answered plainly. "I'm not inclined to winning but I most certainly refuse to lose. Why do you ask?"

He shook his head, his lips twitching slightly in his own personal satisfaction. Did he think that he was winning something here?

The way Lilith had reclined back into her seat suddenly made Severus feel as though he had the upper hand. She wasn't necessarily submitting but she had been stumped into silence, confused and disorganised by everything Severus had said whilst simultaneously aiming to seem as though she had understood every part of it.

It was almost admirable. The way she sought to understand almost everything even the things she never really could ever understand. Fortunately for her though, this instance was something she could understand even if she didn't understand it right in this moment. It was something she had created and something that Severus aimed to finish. She was wicked, always the tease, always the predator. But now it was time for her to be hunted, now it was time for her to be the prey.

"I think that tonight you will end up participating in a game you most certainly will lose to."

She fell back into her seat even further, almost as though she could be swallowed up hole as she sat slightly taken aback by his response.

"You aren't serious?" Her words were deep. Filled with that same investment Severus had felt and slight tinges of anticipation and somewhat fear danced at the corners of each word.

"I'm about as serious as your words in the corridor." He paused, raising his brow at Lilith. "Unless you didn't mean them."

"I did."

Her mind relaxed but she made sure to hold herself in the same tensed position. She had been right. He was playing his own game with her. Which meant that in order to win she would need Severus to believe he was winning first. He needed to believe that he held control to his game from all corners and that in his mind, there was no way of Lilith overruling his step. Except she would. Eventually.

She already considered to have won this game given the fact that Severus was too sentimental and it was that same sentiment that would ultimately betray him. He would slip a little more than anticipated, taking his own thoughts of winning for granted. She had to give him some kind of credit though, Severus was not the type to gamble with Fate or time, or even love. And yet here he was, proposing to risk it all, and for what? Truth be told Lilith couldn't actually conjure a reason as to why exactly but by the time she was finished with him, he would learn that it would be best if he stuck to his potions.

"Well then, are you ready to lose?"

Before Lilith had the chance to argue back her defence, the kitchen door had flung open, colliding rather harshly to the wall as Alyssa emerged with her hands full of food. In recognition of her apparent struggle, Lilith stood from her seat as Alyssa reached the table, taking as many plates as her own hands could hold and carefully lowered them to the centre of the table. Alexander and Sofia followed promptly after, placing the remainder of the dishes onto the table. The array of steaming food now placed in front of then was the equivalent to a roast dinner, perhaps something truly extensive for a meal during the week but also an exquisite site to behold.

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