𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙭 {mature}

Start from the beginning

"Too much energy?" Jisung grinned cutely before pulling Renjun up onto his lap and squeezing him in a hug. "Want me to take your mind off something~?"

"You are a chancer," the smaller scoffed and flicked the teen's forehead with a chuckle. His thighs tightened around boy's legs though, and his brows furrowed as he contemplated these mindless flirting battles. He didn't want to believe he was a terrible person, but the way he was carrying on with this and avoiding giving the group an answer was definitely a 'dick move'. He didn't want to let them down, for he knew he'd grown far too attached.

Jisung buried his face in the shorter's chest and massaged his hips subtly, nuzzling like a child. "I know I'm not exactly perfect..." he mumbled through the fabric of Renjun's shirt, "But I have improved, haven't I? Is it still...too early?"

The older male poked the wall of his cheek with his tongue, staring over at the wall above his headboard as he felt the soft, warm breaths of his neighbour fan across his chest. "You've definitely gotten way better..." he admitted, lowering his face and resting it in the taller's hair. "Jisung, doesn't it bother you that I'm not your boyfriend yet, but still having sex within your relationship?"

"No. You're different."

"How am I different though? I'm..." he sighed airily, "I'm selfish."

"Then so are we." He looked up finally and parted from the other a little to face him. "We're all a little selfish with you, don't you think? Flirting and sleeping with you when we have boyfriends to think about. Just because you're 'the other man' at this point in time, it doesn't make you worse than us. And let's not forget that it was Jaemin and Jeno who started this mess in the first place."


"Had they not broken our rule and dragged you into our sexual garden, then you wouldn't feel so rushed; so confused. We've really fucked up the order this time."

Renjun bit into his lip and forced a whimper down. He wanted to cry, to scream and to die. Everything was so hard right now, and he wanted it all to disappear and get easier. Jisung's hands encompassing his lithe waist made him want to melt and succumb to his hormonal passion and desire, and yet that niggling feeling he was raised with to follow social norms and to be accepted prevented him from doing so without care.

"Sometimes it's better not to think about it," the teen whispered deeply once all else had settled and the quiet was immense. "When I'm cornered and I feel like there's absolutely no way I can dodge something, I stop thinking about it and let it be. If I get a punch and a slap on the wrist for being stupid, then at least it's over and I won't let it happen again. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"I'll get more than a slap on the wrist," Renjun mumbled solemnly and brushed his nose over the younger's. "I'll be forced to watch everyone else suffer for my happiness. That hurts more than taking a hit."

"Don't think about it."


"Stop thinking. Full stop."

The Chinese adult's irises flicked over each aspect of the boy's face and could never quite settle on one thing. His breathing increased and his need started to metaphorically poke his sides teasingly. Somehow, this dumbass was right...and he wanted to trust him. Nothing was gonna be solved tonight, so why was he stressing about it?

𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Where stories live. Discover now