Financial Oracle Spread II

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Oct 15, 2021

1. Current financial situation (witches hat)

I know I am on track to getting the money I need, I know what I need to do to stay on track, and I know how to spend my money when I get it

2. External influences (scrying mirror)

While not trying to fight my behaviors of mental illness I'm likely to blow all my money on things I don't need

3. My attitude towards my financial situation (The moon)

I go through phases of not feeling like I need money and having an unhealthy desire to be rich

4. What is blocking my financial situation from improving (chalice)

I'm too focused on my mindset of "I don't need money" to focused on pretending to be happy with what I have

5. How can I improve my financial situation (witch)

I need to be more humble and recognize/admit that I will need help sometimes

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