𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

Start from the beginning

"Of course. Don't get up to mischief," the older ruffled the male's hair before following Jisung out. They made their way into town quickly, passing the rush of cars during the weekend and smelling warm foods now that autumn was about. The pair were dressed classily, and their shoulders brushed everytime they tilted their heads to say something to each other or point out an interesting occurrence along the street.

"I know this sounds like a massive leap," Renjun hummed with an ecstatic beam plastered to his face, "But I want to try the jewellery shop. I need to pick something up for my mother, so..."

"I—" Jisung swallowed thickly and glanced at his feet as he walked with him. "I don't know if I'm up for that yet."

"It's an experiment. Don't worry, if you try to steal something, I'll be there to stop you. We're in this together, remember? Think of succeeding and how amazing it'll feel."

The taller still seemed wildly unconvinced. After all, he was still taking multiple attempts to ignore the stuff at home, so they hadn't really stomped the underlying problem out yet. His eyes faltered over the various high rise buildings lining the streets and the weekend shoppers looked energetic whilst hopping from store to store.

Eventually they stopped outside a jewellers, which even smelt of money. Initially the two merely looked at the windows to summarise what type of thing they'd be facing within...and Jisung was sweating profusely. His irises flicked from one sparkly item to another, and his fingers twitched by his sides anxiously. "I shouldn't go in," he stated confidently. "These aren't cheap either."

"It'll be fine. It's practice."

"No, when I dragged you out of bed this morning, I meant 'let's go and see a supermarket' or something. This is a small, local jewellers, Renjun. I don't want to make a bad name for myself."

"Are you sure?"


The older sighed exasperatedly, yet nodded in understanding and tapped his shoulder with a small smile. "Then I'll go in on my own. I'll be ten minutes."


Renjun wandered on past the entrance and remained in sight as Jisung watched him from just outside the door. He tried to focus on staying still and getting a task as simple as 'not moving' right...but it was hard. People were passing by and pointing to the windows holding an abundance of gold, silver and gemstones as well as subtly pointing out the beauty standing near them. The youngest of the residents was so used to standing in his outgoing boyfriends' shadows that he'd forgotten he'd been popular and good looking before it all. Now he felt normal and failed to notice the praise.

He scanned the items his neighbour was looking at from afar, wondering what it was he was planning to get. He had never even met the boy's mother, but she sounded suffocating based on what Chenle had whispered about her from his chat with Renjun. He doesn't need her opinion to choose who to love, was all he could've argued, but he doubted the blonde-ravenette wanted that battle. He'd been conditioned to avoid it.

Suddenly, amidst his daydream, he caught the older turning to look at him from inside. The Chinese male's eyes were reflecting the shining metals around him behind glass cases, and he wore such a pretty smile in that moment. Jisung just...wanted to kiss it.

"You sure?" Renjun chuckled faintly, and as he started to edge backwards down the aisle while facing the teen, the shop around him started to blur. The brunette's eyes lazily began to haze over, and he lost most of the motivation he'd accumulated to say 'no'. Before he knew it, his feet led him towards the man he was so desperately falling for, and he too started to smile back.

𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺; renjun x dream Where stories live. Discover now