- scary men and somber songs -

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trigger warnings :: cursing, alc0h0l mentions

" i love you so! "

" please let me go. "

(art at the end of the chapter)

I stared sleepily at the pale ceiling of the van, tapping a hoove on the hard floors as Wilbur did his work in another area. He insisted I stayed with him after my episode last night.

I understood why, but I just wanted to go explore. I stretched out my legs in my seat, getting up and shuffling over to Wilbur, gently butting him in the shoulder with my horns as he smiled.

"You doing okay?"

I simply nod into his arm, the man letting out a laugh as he ruffled my hair. I think for a moment, pulling my sweater over my hands a bit.


"Yeah, what is it?"

His response was muffled by a cork for a bottle in the corner of his mouth, adding ingredients to the brewing stand.

"who was that one guy, with the weird glasses and the camouflage jacket?"

"Ah, thats just Jack Manifold being Jack Manifold. Did he scare you?"

I shook my head, looking over at what he was doing. A few 'Potion of Harming' labels lay next to empty glass bottles, some prepped with water.

"i'll be back."

I didn't give him a chance to answer, simply walking out of the van, hopping off of each step. It was somewhere near 10 am as of now, the sun hanging somewhere in the sky high enough to light up the dew from yesterday's rain and fog.

I squinted slightly, walking back over to where this supposed 'Jack' last was. I peered into the window, lights on once more as I could see the same man sitting on a chest, typing away on.. something.

I tapped on the window a few times, catching his attention. He stared, letting out a loud audible sigh before getting up and coming outside.

"Very funny of you to run away last time."

The sarcasm in his voice was evident, the man tapping his foot on the ground as I looked him up and down, standing up straighter.

"you did kinda start chasing me yesterday, so obviously i'd try to. anyways, i just wanted to introduce myself then i'll be out of your business."

I put out my hand for him to shake, Jack taking it hesitantly and shaking it.

"y/n, and you are?"

I already knew his name, but just wanted to hear it from him. He pushed up the glasses with his free hand.

"Jack, Jack Manifold. Now shoo, oh, and could you get Niki for me?"

I stood still for a moment, trying to figure out who she was. Ah, right- That one lady from when I first got here. I nodded, the man smiling and going back to wandering.

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