Ep10: Rebound

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Another word he has sworn he has heard before. Only this time it is staying with him.

It has been 3 days since Seian's official funeral. Lord Geo sanctioned it himself, paying for a tombstone engraving worthy of her. Despite his mood, the day was so sunny. Why was it so goddamn sunny today? It was like everyone and everything was happy except for him. Melisa and Add had joined him, but after the short prayer he simply went back to sleep in his room. Like he had done the days before the grave was prepared. Like he was doing now, still three days later.


Something about that word has a negative connotation. He could feel it. Not necessarily the word itself, but what that word created. The feelings the word made him feel weren't just grief. They were alien, unfamiliar in a way that nothing in his vocabulary could describe. He waited for maybe another word from beyond the realm to help, but the only one that came was...


It was a dragon maybe? A tiny myth overshadowed by other dragon species having the title of being monsterized. Usually meant a smaller dragon or a dragon without wings. Either way, it reminded him of Seian. Sigh.

He hummed for a bit while he sulked. It found that after a while, it eased his mind. It distracted him from the pain he felt within his soul. Maybe this 'Drake' was related to music. If it was, it probably wouldn't be so bad. He didn't mind secular music, but he did hope for sacred...


Door knocks rang but he didn't answer. He just wanted to be alone with himself, his memories...and drake. Drake was his counselor, his guide through the long road of grief. Drake was there when he tried to deny that she was truly gone. Drake was there when he needed some melody from a place his mind couldn't comprehend to calm his frustration. Drake was there to ground him when he thought he could appeal to forces that could do the godly work of bringing Seian back. Drake was there at his lowest point, giving him the strength to keep going when all seemed without light. Drake was there for his resolution.

And then, Drake wasn't there.

That word from another universe was the one thing Lao couldn't force away from him, and he accepted it for what it was. It was a sign that Seian will always be apart of him, but he needed to keep going. It was a sign that music is a powerful source of happiness.

But most importantly, it was a sign that something was seriously off about him. Who just gets a word teleported into his head for three days straight? Something was obviously going on, or at least he needed mental help. Before he can start tackling that issue, however, he still needed to refocus himself. To do that, he needs to actually go outside for once.

So he did. He casually strolled out, fully clothed and armed for a nice relaxing walk in the woods. He decided that the best thing was to find something new. The first thing he found was a bookshelf on his way out of the castle. He swiped one at random, becoming absorbed in the fantasy world of a young scientist out on an expedition. The next thing he found was a lake on a new path. It was a beautiful yet small thing, the sun gleaming off its surface and the dew around it. He decided it was nice enough to dip his lower legs into, taking off his shoes and rolling up his pants as he sat on the edge of the lake with his feet underwater. It was just as refreshing as he imagined, but a bit fuzzier....

"Hey..." went a voice in front of him. He put down his book, seeing a bunyip that was as drenched as a kobold running through the rain. "Your feet...they are on my tail."

"Oh, sorry." He lifted his legs up, the Bunyip sliding down beside him. "Thank you, I really wanted to say hi, but I couldn't being pinned down..."

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