Ep4: The New Order

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"Now that you have the basics down, it is time for you to get accurate from a distance," Melisa said, pointing at a tree. "You sometimes will need to throw your weapon if you cannot when up close." She throws her own without looking, the rapier piercing the tree perfectly. "Fu fu fu, don't be upset if you can't get it the first time. It is a skill that must be practiced."

"This is merely ax-throwing but with a sword." Lao lined up his shot, throwing the sword hard into the spot above the rapier. It sent chunks of bark flying to the floor as the blade slide into the tree like a card. "That, I can do."

"Lucky shot. Let's keep going." They both went and got their weapons, backing up to beside the house and then tossing. They both landed back in their spots, the shortsword sending more bits of bark falling as it cut deeper. Determined to prove Lao's skill as imperfect, the vampire kept demanding that they continue, until they were throwing from on top of a tree branch across the clearing. Melisa closed one eye, judging her aim before tossing it straight in the air. She watched it fall down gloriously, spinning until it landed blade first in the dirt. "Damn! I might have actually lost to you Lao...." she turned to him, waiting for him to take his throw before she conceded. She saw him thinking to himself, turned around while staring into his hand. "Did you hear me? I'm saying you won, idiot..." he slowly turned around, his eyes unable to look Melisa in the eye.

"What? You have been training long enough for the moon to disappear in the night. Haven't you? You've bested me, your teacher, a monster girl. Isn't that satisfactory?"

"It's not that....Melisa, I have been thinking about the New Order...." she watched her expression change, going dark as she turned from him. "What if I joined? And you too. Your father..."

"My father is fine Lao. You know that. He just rests a lot." She sits on the roof, staring at the front while Lao gazed off to the back. "Why should either of us join? I'm still an outlaw, and you hate anything that's not the Order."

"About that...I think I can handle being around a few monster girls."

"What if they come up to you?" Lao went silent, unsure if he would attack or not. "See? You don't even trust yourself if a succubus hugs you. What if I hugged you? Will you attack me?"

"No, I am used to you." He got up from his spot, scaling down the roof. "Lao! Get back here!"

"No, I am ready to go now. If not, I can always talk to that human."

"That is even worse! You wouldn't survive there! You'll turn into an incubus! You will be lonely! You will-"

"Why are you so adamant about me staying then?" He snapped. "I don't even know the reason why you kept me here! All I have been told was that you will kill me if I didn't let you train me!" In an act of frustration, he unsheathed his sword, stabbing in the ground and holding his arms open. "Just kill me then! Do it if it's a better fate than going over there!"

"Well.....I will!" She jumped down to him, going over to get her weapon, then coming back to point her rapier at his throat. "I'll spill your blood, right on these grounds! Right now...Last chance."

"No." He closed his eyes, waiting for the rapier pressing on the blood vessels in his neck. Melisa pushed in, but there was an invisible wall stopping her from piercing his skin. Her arm flexed as she kept pushing, but deep down, she knew if she killed him, it would just be her and her father alone again. Swallowing her pride, she did the only sensible thing to do - stabbing Lao in the leg instead. She turned an ear to his scream as he fell to the ground, clutching his calf as blood pooled on his hands. "Idiot! You thought I would stand down right? That I would roll over like a kobold?" She stepped on Lao's chest, placing her rapier back at his chest. "Don't mistake this for love! I already have two people I love, and I don't need you intruding! I just like you being around...."

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