Alternative ending!

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I stepped into the tile on my right.

I waited a little.

Nothing. My eyes widen and I stepped on the other side of the bridge. The rest followed and we all made it out alive. They all looked at me.

"Well, that's awkward." I said and immediately felt three pairs of arms around me. I could practically feel them sobbing and I'm not going to lie, I cried a bit too.

Me, almost dying was just too much.

After some seconds, the glass exploded and we all tried to protect ourselves and Sang-woo tried to form some kind of barrier in front of me to not get hurt. I still felt hot blood flowing in my cheek.

When the explosion ended, we looked at each other. We were the only ones left alive.

We didn't have the time to say anything, as a guard came and escorted us back to the room.


When we stepped inside, they all turned to face me. I smiled at them.

"What would I have done if you had chosen the wrong one?" Sang-woo said, as he gave me the tightest hug I've ever received. I hugged him back.

"I've said it before and I'm going to say it one more time. You're not going to get rid of me that easily." I responded and he gave me a small smile. Small, but genuine.

The others approached me.

"What you did back there was so brave (y/n). You are a wonderful person for caring so much about others and being willing to sacrifice yourself to save us." Gi-hun said and he gave me a hug too.

Sae-byeok looked at me, some tears leaving her eyes. "Thank you. Not only for risking your life to save us. But for reminding me that good people still exist. You could push one of us to save yourself and win, but you didn't. And that means a lot."

"I did what I had to do. You have every right to leave this place with the money, because you have a plan for the future. People are waiting for you to go back."

Before anyone could say anything, some guards came in, holding something.

"We sincerely congratulate and commend you for successfully making it through the five games. You've now become the finalists and we've prepared a special gift for you. Before we reveal the gift, please change into the outfit we prepared."

Me and Sae-byeok went to the women's bathroom and the two others to the men's, to change our clothes.

She had some small wounds, but they were not too deep. I cleaned them and she cleaned mine.

We opened the boxes and saw that they had prepared suits for us to wear, which had our numbers on them. We put them on and I'm not going to lie, she looked amazing. But I looked amazing too. I had lost some weight here and my skin looked awfully unhealthy, but I still looked fabulous.

"Let's go and see what this is about." I said and we exited the bathroom.


We were now sitting in a square shaped table and the guards were serving us. They gave us bread, a salad, wine and finally, a big steak for each one. All of us looked at the food like we were starving to death. And that was the truth.

"We have prepared this feast as a token of gratitude for the sacrifice and effort you finalists have made. We're certain you'll give us a splendid performance in the final game. Please enjoy the feast without any concerns"

Sang-woo squid game x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now