Chapter 3

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Hey again! hope you're loving it.

I wake up, I look around Hannah isn't there, the bright sun light in the room is blinding, I sit up and immediately I remember yesterday, I then feel my sore face I sigh, buzz, buzz , I flinch and check my phone < HEY! Can we talk? Did I hurt you yesterday? Please answer the phone: from unknown> who is this? Brandon? I panic, my heart starts racing, I hurriedly check for his number on my phone, it's... not there, did I block him and delete his number in the heat of the moment, I don't remember... Hannah.

I call Hannah, "Hannah? Where are you?" "Oh you're awake, so sorry I had to do some errands my mom told me to do and I couldn't bear to wake you" I sigh "did you delete Brandon's number off my phone?" "of course I did, he was calling you the whole night, then sending messages like, I'm sorry and what not, some dumb bull crap he was pulling and I deleted those too, thank me later, I got to dip I'll be home in a few" she cuts the phone.

I throw my phone across the room and scream on my pillow. Phone rings, oh my goodness if its bran... Jake? OH NO JAKE!! I forgot all about Jake, I pace around the room, ANSWER THE PHONE or don't he can't know how messed up you are, I can't put him in all this drama, he is the only good thing in my life at the moment. "Hello?" It's like I stopped breathing, "hey Linda, I know I weirdly cut the phone too fast yesterday and I promise I understand the situation about Hannah and us, uhm Sorry for calling so abruptly, just wanted to know how you are feeling this morning?..."

Oh how caring he sounds, why oh why did he have to meet me at this time, "you still there?" I sigh, "Hey, can we meet?" I say, silence "yeah ha-ha of course id really love that, it's been way too long" I need to talk to Hannah, "see you soon Jake". Hannah storms in, why does she look so happy? "So I found out the best news, Brandon and Amanda broke up ha-ha" why would I care honestly.

I look at her enthusiastic face, "Linda, Brandon has gone, like out of Banker city, he left without telling anyone even his mum" he has gone, this is great news, I have nothing to fear anymore, I hug Hannah "this is great news" I smile, but it's not that easy he couldn't have just left. "Hey I got you ice-cream! Let's celebrate shall we" "yes, yes ha-ha, but I need to tell you something..." "Hey now, we have a whole weekend okay, let's have some ice-cream and watch a movie YOU deserve it" she hugs me tight. What would I do without Hannah, I can't hurt her.

My phone rings, I look over at Hannah she doesn't notice at all, I ignore and put my phone on vibrate, buzz, buzz, stop it! Hannah glances over "hey you watching?" she stuffs a spoon of ice-cream in her mouth, I nod hurriedly she shrugs, it's one am in the morning ugh. I shut down my phone.

"Well that was one heck of a movie, should have checked the ratings before that ha-ha, that was not an appropriate movie for heartbroken teens" heartbroken teens? "Hey Han what do you mean I'm the only one broken here" she becomes mute and stares at the television with a blank face "oh yeah of course, want to head to bed? I'm real exhausted from running around all day" what is she hiding?

"Hannah we never keep secrets from each other, what is bothering you?" she shrugs "Jake... my ex remember?" she turns to look at me my heart almost skips a beat, what about Jake "yeah?" "well I'm not over him and I approached him today since I saw him at the market, made my heart melt, you okay? Looks like you've seen a ghost" "ha-ha yeah I'm okay I just wanted to tell..." she stands up "NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU" I flinch.

"Look I get it, you've been thought all, but when I have the stage I can't be sad? Like honestly thats why I don't even share with you!" my heart drops "Hannah it's..." "Linda this, Linda that im not your mother I need a friend too you know?" why can't she let me speak? What did I even do? "look I'm sorry okay, I just wanted to air something" "Linda, listen first okay, I don't stop you when you are sad im there all the way, STOP BEING SELFISH, honestly you just need the truth"

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