Chapter 11

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So, weekly check in. How are you? And I realized it's not daily, so I'm going to say weekly, considering I update on the weekends now.
The only time I'll put daily, is when I update the day after a chapter has been uploaded. Anyways, on with the story! <3


I was given another letter by none other than Lily. I figured tonight would be perfect to let Damon and Stefan confront her. Elena let Damon go for a night, and Caroline is going to be with Lissa and the twins so Stefans free.

As for me and Elijah, well, we talked a bit about the kiss and everything else. It's been a few days since the kiss and we decided we'd try to make this work again. Elijah and I love each other and if my mother has the guts to try and ruin that, then I'll do anything to ensure she doesn't win. Which is exactly why, Elijah is coming with me, Stefan, and Damon tonight.

We found out Lily, Julian, and the heretics are staying in the old Lockwood mansion from Valerie. She's on our side, but it's good to have someone who's seemingly on the other so that we can know what the Heretics are planning. Stefan told me and the rest of us about the child, and it made every bone in me flare. I'm angry, and I'll make sure Julian knows it. Tonight, he finds out just what it means to be a Salvatore.

"You all ready to meet with the she-devil?" Damon asks me as I enter the living room where he, Stefan and Elijah are waiting. I may love Damon, but his over-extensive use of nicknames makes it a little difficult.

"I guess so."
We left the house, and had called Lissa and Elena to come stay with Caroline and the twins. Things with her and Ric are... complicated right now, but they're working on it. The good news is, they haven't fought.
We soon arrived to the location Lily told me to come to. Damon and Stefans plan was to trick Lily and Julian, making them think it was only I who came tonight.

"Ah. Letti, how nice it is to see you again." He smiles at me like I'm a two year old. No bitch, I'm one hundred seventy-one.

"Julian." I acknowledge his presence more stiffly rather than politely but at least I'm being nice.
"And Lily."

"No 'mother'?" She asks, seeming as if she's hurt.

"No. Lily. Would you rather me spare you no mercy and just say Lillian? Or not speak your name at all... bitch?" I argue, then give an innocent smile.

"Lily is fine my dear." She gives me a tense smile.
"Let's get on with it then, shall we Julian?"

"Oh yes. Letti, we wanted to announce that your mother and I, well, we are getting married."
Time stopped. My heart stopped. Everything stopped. It was as if everything had slowed, until it all came to a still. I stared at them, smiling at me as if they'd won the lottery. I was so angry, yet I couldn't shout, or fight, or punch or kick. I simply stood, quietly, staring at them dumbfounded.
That was when Stefan, Damon and Elijah came out. Upon seeing their faces, Lily's dropped.

"My boys." She breathed. "Oh my beautiful boys."
She walked forward, trying to take their faces into her hands, but they both backed away, and her hands fell.

"No thanks mummy dearest." Damon seethes. They all three step beside me.
"So, wanna explain to me and Stefan why you couldn't come back for us? Oh wait, lettis already told us everything. How your boy toy and rescue animals took up all your time."

"Damon! Do not speak to me like that." She scolds.

"Look at you, scolding me like a child. Well guess what Lily, I'm not your child. You lost your ability to be a mother when you abandoned the three kids that needed you." Lily's hurt couldn't be more obvious. She gasped, and started tearing up yet no tears fell. Julian grasped her hand for comfort, and Damon made a gagging sound.

"That's enough." Julian glares.

"Oh and what are you gonna do evil step daddy?" Damon asks sarcastically.
He just doesn't know when to shut his mouth, at least he has a point. I'll give him credit for that.

"You know what, I have been patient with you three. But you obviously don't seem to support your mother, so I'm going to give it to you straight." Julian smirks, he stalks forward until he's right in front of me, definitely too close for comfort. His blue eyes bore into mine as he tried to intimidate me just by being taller and more muscular than I. Damon and Stefan stood close to my sides, and took a step forward glaring at Julian.

"Back up." Stefan warns calmly.

"Oh, are you going to make me?" Julian challenges. He roughly grips my wrist making me wince. The last time I was held this tight was when Aurora and Antoinette were trying to kill me. Antoinette disappeared the night we killed Aurora, and we still have no idea where she is now.
Stefan and Damon both grip his arms as tight as he did mine, maybe even tighter. Lily was now crying and begging Damon and Stefan to let him go, trying to pry them off of Julian. Damon and Stefan didn't budge though. They finally released their hold on Julian when he released his on my wrist. I held it against my chest and rubbed my other hand with it as he retreated back a few steps with Lily. Damon and Stefan still stood very close to me in case Julian had any ideas.

"I see things are still going well with Elijah." Lily changes the subject. I felt that burning anger again when she brought up my relationship with Elijah. The very relationship she tried and succeeded at destroying.

"Yeah well, let's just say a little birdie told me about the love spell you put on Elijah and Hayley." Her eyes widen, and she tries to laugh it off. I stalk towards her and stop when I'm right in front of her.
"Why'd you try to destroy my relationship?"

"Because Leticia, the Originals are dangerous. I'm simply looking out for you, my daughter." She tries to tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear, but I grip her arm before she can touch me. My eyes bore into hers as I glare hardly at her.

"If you ever try to interfere with me and Elijah, or any of my family again, I'll show you what dangerous is." I spit. Her expression changes from smug to fearful in a quick second, relief flooding her features when I let her go. Without saying another word, Damon, Elijah, Stefan and I go back to the Salvatore house. When we get there, we go into the living room where Lissa, Elena, Caroline and the twins are.

"Hey Letti." Caroline greets as Stefan goes over and gives her a kiss. Josie sleeps in the white baby basket that Caroline is rocking and Lizzie is in the identical one Lissa is rocking. We can tell because on everything they have, their names are creatively sown into it.

"Hey Care. Has everything been okay here?" I ask. We were gone an hour, and I wanted to make sure there were no problems.

"Everything was fine." Lissa assures.

"Alright well, I'm going to bed now. It's been a tiring day and it's almost midnight." Elena says. Damon and Elena go upstairs and Caroline follows with the twins. I tell Stefan and Lissa goodnight, and go upstairs to my own room. Elijah agreed to stay the night, and this time, we cuddled in the middle.
It felt amazing to be back in Elijahs arms. I missed this, I missed him. We both made mistakes in our relationship, and we both loved each other too much to not forgive our wrongs. Even if mine came with a more... permanent consequence. I don't see my son as a consequence though, I see him as an extraordinary gift out of a confusing and bad situation.

That, my child, is what you are. An extraordinary gift. A gift that I vow to always protect and love, no matter the cost. You will always be the first thing in my life, I will do anything for you. Always and forever.

This chapter was a bit shorter, but this was the perfect ending. It's so sweet, and I nearly cried while writing it.
Anyways, that's all for today. Love you and thanks for reading!

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