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The shackles weighed heavy round Alices wrists and neck, the white slip she wore did nothing to spare her from the draft, as she waited in the dark for the stage curtains to open. Heart racing, head spinning Alice contemplated running but knew there was no going back now that she had sealed her fate, whatever that might be.

"And now our next item is a rare beauty, you won't believe your eyes. But here today one time only..." the announcer silky voice chimed into the microphone. The thick curtains swung open and momentarily blinded Alice didn't hear the announcer finish. The light from the stage shone on her like a beacon, the audience at the auction were shrouded in shadow Alice could barely make out any of their faces. She could feel their eyes on her and it made her skin crawl. Standing here in shackles and a flimsy material, that resembled the shape of a sack Alice felt exposed and vulnerable.

The announcer began the bid but all Alice could hear were whispers and voices, that began to grow louder and louder until Alice clutched her ears and closed her eyes trying to block them out, trying to calm her racing heart. Then suddenly there was silence, opening her eyes she was no longer on the stage but in the back seat of a car. Head still spinning the world out of focus Alice forced the car door open striding out into the darkness. She found herself in a small clearing of woods, the car was wrapped around a tree the windows shattered, the body of the car dented and broken. Alice rushed to the front of the car it took time for Alice's eyes to adjust. Placing her hand on the car to steady herself, she saw two figures a man and a woman sat in the front of the car. Placing her hand on the woman's shoulder she felt something warm and wet. Her hand came away stained with crimson blood, suddenly everything came into focus. Nausea and fear coursed through her as Alice muffled a scream, as the horror was revealed to her. There lay the bodies of her beloved parents, blood seeping from their recently dead corpses.

"I'm scared" a child's voice cried

The voice rebounded upon the trees, Alice legs turning to jelly with fear and misery. As the voice continued to cry Alice's legs gave out and she crumpled to the floor. Alice tried to cover her ears not wanting to hear the voice anymore, but the voice was too loud.

Alice peered into the darkness once the voice reseeded. Her gaze came to rest on a small figure of a young child in a white dress bent over by a small stream. The figure stood and began to turn around, Alice felt her hair stand up on end as she heard the voice whisper again and again.

"I'm scared, I'm scared"

The little girl turned around baring her features, she was deathly pale, her light blonde hair in a tangled, matted mess around her face. She was in a tattered white dress, the fabric is torn and ripped but that wasn't what stood out most to Alice it was the blood that drenched the girls dress, the dress was soaked in blood droplets where splatting on the ground, making a sickening pattering noise.

The crimson blood also streaked her face, it was then that the child stared at Alice and smiled. It was then that Alice came to release the little girl was none other than her younger self. Alice's heart stopped as the girl grinned evilly at her, the smile didn't match the innocent girl's young face. The smile twisted the girls features turning her into something terrifying.

Then in a deep silky voice that was not her own, the younger Alice whispered: "Why hello Alice".


Present day Alice woke in shock, her whole body shaking with silent cries of horror and terror. The sheets lay in a tangled mess around her, soaked with sweat and tears. Turning on the lamp on her bedside table Alice choked out a sob hunching into a ball as she gave in to misery, the images still fresh in her mind. She heard soft footsteps from next door, she must have woken up Jackson who lived next door. She couldn't bring herself to rise as he dashed into her room.

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