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Our first encounter was just like a scene one could imagine froma movie.I was sitting in my seat and watching the scenery from the window,when someone called me.It was Her.

She,very politely asked me to exchange our seats.I was like,sorry I can't.She requested,but me being the stubborn king didn't agree with her.Irritated by my attitude,she sat in herown seat which is beside me.You could have imagined the impression I have made .

I started watching a movie in my tab.I my totally into it.I didn't even notice that it was raining until I was like drenched in it,all because my precious window glass is jammed.Wow!I'm the luckiest one right? Yeah!I too thought soo.

She with a small smile said,thank you.I got the sarcasm behind her words and laughed at my stupidity.She joined along and that was the first time,I saw her.I mean closely.That smile of her was contagious.Why didn't I notice this before?Full credit goes to my arrogance ofcourse.

We had introduced ourselves,talked a lot.She is someone fun to be around.Upon her insisting,I even made a wish holding my eyelash.Very silly,I know but what to do.She is a natural,anyone can get attracted to her beautiful soul.I'm no exception.

I almost wanted to smash the head of that fellow who is sitting behind her and always asking this and that and smiling at her.Am I jealous??Yeah,How could I not before someone like her.

Time flies so fast.Bus is almost near her stop.I wanted to ask her number
but hesitated thinking,she will find it wrong.I was looking at her and she was doing the same.At some point,I saw that same hesitation in her beautiful eyes.Its just that,I couldn't able to confront her.

She went saying byee.I was regretting for what I did.May be I should have asked her number.With disappointed feelings,I turned
my gaze towards window,when I saw a small slip sticked to my bag.It read something which brought the lost smile back to my face.

"I know you wanted to ask my number because I too wanted to ask you.I am giving you my phone number but the last two numbers will be missing,
this is because you didn't ask me directly.Find those numbers to
call me.I will be waiting for your call Mr.Arrogant."
-A stranger you know

I am so happy seeing that.I know it's difficult to guess those last two numbers but if it is to find that crazy girl,it's worth more than anything.

Some times we don't know whom we meet,how we get attached to them in just a span of few minutes or few hours.To reach my destination,I am on my own journey until her path intertwined with mine and we two made our short but sweet ........JOURNEY

Tales Of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon