5) Game Break

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He was blindfolded, tied up, and naked while lying on the cold pavement. He feels a body beside him.

He begin to untie the rope on his hands then took of his blindfold and looked at the one beside him and sees the Player 240. Oh how many times did they meet again? Right, this is the third time.

He sits up and began untying his feet while the girl lays on the cold pavement just staying silent.

He broke the silence "hey"

She responded with a "hi"

He finishes untying himself and took his knife and cut the rope of the girl so she can untie herself.

He began picking up his clothes and began dressing while 240 took off her blindfold and untying her foot rope.

When he finished dressing he waited for her to dress herself and turned his body to face the opposite direction of the partly naked woman.

"So do you know where this place is?" She asked when she finished clothing herself. She was dressed in jeans with a pink top while he has a white top with black pants and his hoodie. He also still has his energy bar, his wallet, and his knife.

He observed the area a bit earlier while she was dressing. "No"...


"C'mon let's go find somewhere to eat. I'm starved. We can find out where we are later" Dae-Jeung said walking to the direction of cement stairs.

She nodded ok and began following him.

While trying to find a place to eat they began to converse.

"So, what's your name?" 240

"Dae-Jeung. Yours?" 83

She smiles slightly "Ji-Yeong" 240

He raised an eyebrow and looked beside him to see her staring at the sidewalk she's walking on. "No last name?" 83

She raised her head to the sky and held her hands behind her back "No, I'm guessing same situation with you?" 240

He looks back on his path "no" 83

"Do you have anyone to call? Maybe your parents or guardian, or maybe friend?" 83

"No, all dead" 240

She answered in a not so sad tone. Those are probably the people she saw die before. "Hm, me too" 83


A few moments of silence

"So.. what's your favorite color?" 240

"Persian blue. Let me guess yours...periwinkle?" 83

Her eyebrows rose a little and she looks towards her new companion "Yes, how did you know?" 240

She narrows her eyes at him and distances herself a little "Are you a stalker?!" 240

He glanced at her for a second looked back forward and laughed. "No, I'm just good in guessing" 83

She gradually relaxed and went back to the distance she was at before. "Hmm...if you're good in guessing... Guess what pet I have" 240

He stays silent for a moment and thinks."None. You have no pets" 83

He looked at her for affirmation.

She glanced at him and gave a slow nod with slightly pouted lips and furrowed brows "You sure your not a stalker" 240

He didn't give any reaction to those words "Nope, I'm pretty sure I'm not. Although if I were ,why would I stalk you? I barely have a type"83

"Hm" 240

They continue playing their guessing game until they came across an open store, 7'11. With 19 questions he got 18 right with the wrong answer he guessed 'It' as the answer for 'favorite movie'. With 3 questions she got 1 right 'what vehicle does he drive' she answered 'motorcycle'.

They enter the store and she asked him if he has money. She doesn't have any. He nodded yes and told her to just pick a noodle. He may have money but he needs to save to be able to save it to pay for a temporary place to stay.

Ji-Yeong got seafood ramen and Dae-Jeung got spicy beef ramen. He payed for it with 2 500 won. They filled their bowls to the intended line and added the seasonings and toppings. They placed their cups on the table besides the glass window as they wait for their noodles to cook. They watch the streets as people and cars pass by their view during the cold night.

When the noodles have softened, they ate in silence.

When they had finished they exited the store together and began wandering around under the night sky. Just walking around till they find some place to stay. They stayed in comfortable silence most of the time during the walk.

When they finally reached a hotel they can stay at they entered and Dae-Jeung rented two separate rooms for 2 nights. It's his guess to rent the rooms for that number of nights.

Before they enter their respective rooms which were beside each other, Ji-Yeong nodded towards Dae-Jeung with a slight smile and said thanks. Especially since they barely know each other yet he helped her.

Night passed since the day they were dropped off naked.

They tried calling the previous numbers so they can re-enter the game. It only redirected them to a random number and when they called a second time, it didn't work.

During noon while they were hanging out in a room just watching TV. A knock sounded at the door and two cards slipped under the space of the door.

They stared at it for a moment before picking it up, looking at each other, then going to the hotel phone in their respective rooms and dialed the numbers.

They were given the same instructions as before.

At that day they both separated and used a bus to go to their own respective spots.

Dae-Jeung did what he previously did. The same procedure he has done before.


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