'No no. This can't be happening. This can't be happening'

Kakashi abruptly stood, nodding to the two males behind him. He frowned as he watched Naruto attempt to fight the hands that picked him up and shoved him back onto the bed.

Naruto never stopped for even a second. He was completely inconsolable as he thrashed around. The physical pain he felt was nothing compared to the mental and emotional pain he was going through.

This was his fault.

All of it.

Kakashi frowned as a third, more petite, nurse came over, syringe in hand. 3 more male nurses came into the room as the young petite female one had called for backup. Finally getting ahold of the thrashing blond, after being kicked several times, there was a total of 5 male nurses holding him down. One at each leg, one at each arm, and one that was holding his head to the side. Thankfully, Naruto hadn't tried to bite him, but he was being cautious with his hand placement just in case.

Naruto's cries finally died down as the petite nurse made the injection into the blond's neck. Tears also finally ceased as those blue eyes started to shut. Dried cracked lips let out one last breath before succumbing to the darkness he was forced into.


Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck in frustration as he watched 4 of the 6 nurses leave the room, leaving only two behind. He shook his head as he silently apologized to the unconscious blond. The two male nurses grabbed the restrains and began to strap the blond's body to the bed, along with handcuffing him to the bed rails. They couldn't take any chances.

The officer felt his nerves snap as he was tapped on the shoulder. He turned around with an annoyed expression, only to sigh for the millionth time as he was met with a stoic expression from a slightly shorter red head.

"Don't tell me we have an issue with the other one"

"Is this really fucking necessary?!" An angry raven yelled at the two officers as they walked into his room.

Kakashi smacked his hand over his face, grumbling something inaudible to himself as he saw the raven was also handcuffed to the bed rail.

Sasuke continued to yank on the cuff, though it did no good. The only thing it did was made him more annoyed.

"Can't either of you behave... FOR 10 DAMN MINUTES?!" Kakashi finally snapped, causing the raven to frown and Gaara to laugh.

"Wh-" before Sasuke could ask, Kakashi continued with his rant.

"Jesus Christ. As SOON as you both wake up, you are nothing but a pain in my ass!" He shouted.

"At least this one didn't need to be sedated" Gaara commented, earning a glare of annoyance from the elder officer.

"Sedated? You mean he's awake?! Where is he? TAKE THIS DAMN HANDCUFF OFF ME!" Sasuke yelled as he tugged on it again, growing increasingly impatient.

"Not until you promise me not to try anything stupid" Kakashi glared, causing Sasuke to flinch.

"I'm not the dobe. I won't do anything stupid" he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you handcuffed to the bed again?" Gaara asked, smirking, as Sasuke scoffed and turned his head.

Sasuke looked over as he heard Kakashi's tone turn serious. "He's in a very fragile state of mind right now, Sasuke. We can't take anything he says or does lightly right now. With the way he reacted when he woke up, he is probably going to be put on a suicide watch for his own benefit"

Sasuke gulped as the severity of the situation sank in. "I-is is that bad?"

"I haven't been able to get anything out of him yet. He had asked about you and when I tried to tell him I didn't know what was going on with you yet, he freaked out."

Sasuke frowned. "To the point you had to sedate him?"

"He attempted to rip his IV out and was screaming, refusing to let anyone touch him. We didn't have much of a choice" Kakashi sighed, yet again. He was seriously feeling the stress today.

"Let me see him." Sasuke demanded more than asked. He was still frowning, but had a look of complete determination.

Kakashi and Gaara glanced at once another before the red head walked over to Sasuke. "Try anything stupid again, and I'll break your other arm" he promised as he unlocked the cuffs.

Sasuke tried to hide his pout as he nodded his head. Glancing at the sling that was wrapped around his neck, holding his arm, he only hoped that Naruto was okay physically. He understood mentally and emotionally was a different story. Naruto had been through a lot for the past few months.

All three of the men made their way out of the room, Sasuke pushing his IV cart next to him as he was still hooked up and slightly unsteady on his feet. He had also been out for 3 days, so adjusting to normal after all of the pain medication and fluids, was going to take some time.

Kakashi leaned over slightly, speaking so only Gaara could hear. "Why was he cuffed to the bed?"

Gaara snickered. "He claims to be more level headed than the blond, but I'll be damned if he didn't attempt to do the same thing. But all I had to do was grab his broken arm and he-"

Gaara paused as he noticed the look of horror on Kakashi's face.

"What? It's already broken. It's not like I damaged him further"

Kakashi shook his head as he rubbed his temples. "I need a fucking vacation"

Dark Sides of Love [SasuNaru]Where stories live. Discover now