Chapter 17

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Naruto came to, blinking his eyes several times. He squinted as he tried to adjust to the light as he saw nothing else but blurred vision. Once his senses came back, he noticed the beeping of a machine next to him. Gazing at the white ceiling, he figured he was at a local hospital. Attempting to sit up, he was stopped by a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Don't move around too much" Kakashi gently stated. He had been sitting next to the blond's bed since he was able to.

Naruto fell back on the bed. His body felt incredibly heavy. "What happened.." he asked with a dry, cracked voice.

"What do you remember?"

He thought for a moment before Naruto's eyes shot wide as he abruptly sat up, pain shooting through every nerve in his body. Ignoring the pain, he attempted to throw off the blanket. He grimaced at the movement, fighting back tears.

It happened enough times that he knew he had broken ribs. But that didn't matter. All that mattered right now, was Sasuke.

"Sasuke!" Naruto took a sharp breath, trying to find out where his best friend was, using as few words as possible. He gripped the blanket tighter, his knuckles turning white as he placed his feet on the ground.

Kakashi attempted to stop him, but was met with much resistance. He didn't want to hurt the blond anymore than he already was.

Once on his feet, the weight of his body caused the blond to collapse as he screamed out in pain as the impact of the floor hit him. Nurses were suddenly in the room as they heard the alarm going off, as he had been labeled a fall risk.

"D-don't touch me!" Naruto screamed out as he had several hands trying to help him. He was overwhelmed with emotions, but was mostly scared. The thought of being in physical contact with anyone he didn't know, terrified him. He didn't know who he could trust. Sai's words were still plaguing his mind.

'You know better than anyone what type of connections I have, Naruto. I'll give you one last chance. His life, or yours'

Naruto shuddered at the way he could still hear Sai's voice in his head. Tears streamed down his face as he hugged himself tightly, rocking back and forth slightly, shaking his head.

'No. No. This isn't right. I should be dead.'

Negative thoughts circulated the blonds mind at a nauseating pace. Kakashi and hospital staff stood and watched, as they couldn't help him. The only way they would be able to provide any comfort to the blond, would be to sedate him. Kakashi wanted that to be a last option.

He let out a sigh as he tried his best to analyze the situation. He hadn't told Naruto a single thing about what's happened since that day. Naruto had been out for 3 days since he was air-crafted to the hospital. Although they had landed together, Sasuke holding onto to Naruto to break his fall, they had been separated once they hit the water. The impact had caused Sasuke's grip to loosen and in turn separated the two.

Kakashi knelt down, trying to level with the almost hyperventilating blond. He needed to speak with Naruto about what he remembered and what had happened to him. He reached out a hand, gently, as he attempted to place it on the trembling shoulder of the latter.

Naruto smacked his hand away, looking up with tear filled eyes. Kakashi felt his own heart ache as he looked into those pools of blue that were filled with so much pain and hope.

"Please... tell me he's okay" Naruto whispered through broken breaths.

"Naruto... I'm sorry.. Sasuke-" Kakashi began, but was interrupted as Naruto let out a unsettling scream, grabbing his hair, before he started to try to rip out the IV that was in his arm.

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