Garlic Toast: A Crackfic

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"Words hurt, you know that, right?" Ivy scoffed.

"My dear, my love, I..." Tilly trailed off, "I'm sorry. I did not mean for you to hear that."

"Then why even say it?" they shot back.

"Well, I said it because it's true..." she mumbled.

"Speak up. You know I hate mumbling," Ivy demanded.

"It's true, my love. I said it because it's true," she winced slightly as Ivy's eyes flashed with pain.

"How dare you!" they shrieked, "You've betrayed me! How could you!"

"I... I'm so sorry, my love, I didn't..." she was interrupted by Ivy.

"Do you not love me, is that it?"

"No, no!" Tilly ran to Ivy's side, "It is not that, I just..."

"You just what? Have you fallen for another?"

"No, never!" she gasps, "Ivy, I would never."

"Then why..." they gulp, "Why have you betrayed me like this?"

"Well I..."

"You what?"

"I just really don't like garlic bread."

Ivy choked on their breath and turned around in anger, "How could you! Garlic bread is a fucking delacacy and I will not have you undermine it's name in such a manner!"

"I... I'm sorry, my love," Tilly stuttered, "But I just don't like it."

"HOW DARE YOU!" They bellow.


In the other room, Devan was listening to the two lovers' argument with immense concern.

"... Do those two always have fights like this?"

"Yup," Nathan deadpanned.

"Ah... I see," Devan nodded, his concern only growing every second.

"They seem like they're going to rip each other's heads off at this point," Devan observed.

"Uh-huh, you'll get used to it," Nathan replied.

"And over garlic bread? Really?"


"That seems quite stupid. It's only food, nothing too good."

"Do you not like garlic bread?"

"I don't really care for it."

"I see," Nathan sighed, "Well, don't let Ivy hear you say that or they're gonna flip."

"Yeah, I can see that," Devan pauses, "Or, well, I can hear that."

Nathan chuckled, and got up from the couch, "Well, I'm going to grab a beer, d'you want one?"

"No thanks," Devan shook his head.

"M'kay, suit yourself," Nathan nodded and walked off.

"Well, this is going to be one hell of a night," Devan laughed to himself, "Let's see how well I hold up."

"Probably not too well," expressed a voice from behind him. Devan shrieked and turned around to stare at the very tall, very terrifying figure looming behind him.

"Where the fuck did you come from?"


"Is that because you scared the hell outta me?" Devan groaned and fell back onto the couch.

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