That's Just Hogwarts Houses?

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Virgil was waiting in line with the rest of the new campers. Roman and Remus were standing with him, while the other three went to their cabins and put their stuff away. The line moved fairly quickly, so after a while they were at the front.

"Hey again Virgil! I just need your full name, and age first." Thomas smiled.

"Virgil Moorse-Prince, I'm thirteen." Virgil mumbled.

"Awesome!" Thomas wrote the information down quickly, "Alright, so you will be placed in one of four cabins, There's Badger Cabin, Snake Cabin, Lion Cabin, and Eagle Cabin. You can choose from the bowl over there. It's basically similar to the hunger games." Thomas hummed.

"Wait, those are just Hogwarts Houses?" Virgil asked, confused.

"They're based on Hogwarts houses, yes." Nico replied before going back to talking to another new camper.

"Okay then." Virgil dug his hand in the bowl and pulled out a paper. The paper read 'Badger Cabin'

"Congrats on being put in the Badger Cabin bud! Just come find me if you ever need anything or have any problems with anyone!" Thomas smiled and waved as the three siblings walked away.

"This is such a weird camp." Virgil mumbled.

"Yes, but it's great." Remus smiled.

The two brothers walked with Virgil to his Cabin before parting ways and each going to their individual cabins. The two older were nervous for Virgil to be in a cabin separate from there's so they, may or may not have stopped and watched him walk to his cabin.

Roman began his walk to his cabin, his backpack still on his back and suitcase trailing behind him. He took a deep breath in as he stopped in front of the door that leads inside his cabin. He released the breath and put his hand on the door knob, here was his temporary home again, Eagle Cabin. He walked inside smiling brightly.

"Guess who's back for a fourth consecutive year!" Roman's voice held obvious joy as he spoke.

After bidding Roman goodbye Remus had begun the walk to his own cabin. He hummed to himself carrying his suitcase and backpack. He sighed slightly to himself as his cabin got closer and closer. It wasn't that there was anything bad about it, there was just always an odd number of people in that cabin and Remus had a weird thing with odd numbers. As he opened the door to the cabin, The Snake Cabin, he put on a smirk.

"Guess who's back bitches!"

Patton and Janus were both a part of the Lion cabin so they had walked together to their cabin. They walked most of the way in silence, Patton not knowing how to converse with Janus without the others there. Janus wasn't one for conversation, but he tried, he really did. Remus was one of the only people that he could converse with.

"You should tell Roman how you feel." Janus spoke carefully, he glanced over after he did. Patton was blushing a lot.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Patton lied.

Janus rolled his eyes but didn't say anything more. He opened the door to their cabin and they walked in. The younger campers were excited to see Patton again, the newer one confused as to why. Janus wasn't really popular in the cabin but he was fine with that.

Logan looked up as soon as Remus entered the cabin. There were odd numbers again that year, Logan learned not long after meeting the twins and Virgil that they all had small mental disorders. He figured that's why he got so attached to them, because they were like him. Then they met Janus and Patton and it was the same case. Remus had been really excited when Logan had been put in the Snake Cabin.

Virgil sat in his cabin watching the people carefully. He didn't like some of the people here. The second Virgil had walked into the cabin two of the older kids had started commenting on his height and asked if he was really old enough to be there. They then decided they wouldn't talk to him, which would be great until they completely alienated him.

Virgil decided that he would try talking to one of his friends tomorrow, although the thought of telling Thomas and Nico did cross his mind, he decided against it. He didn't quite trust them. Not yet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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