Amani: It's alright. So , how was like fighting with your team?

Kijani: It was unbelievable , plus I got a front row sit seeing Dad and Uncle Bunga duos it was incredible

Kion's Pov:

After we wait , the result came in

Dr: The results are , we did our research that the purple substance was actually idnicampum holicithias or we called it Night Howlers. Night howlers contain toxins that are capable of inflicting highly potent psychological effects on mammals. When consumed or injected, the flowers' toxin causes a chemical reaction in the brain that decreases activity in most parts except the cerebellum, which becomes hyperstimulated, causing the victim to lose higher reasoning functions and lash out at anything that moves. The effect of this is that essentially, any mammal reverts to an aggressive, wild, violent state that is described as "savage"

Janja: In English?

Kion: It makes you go nuts like Mtoto he gone nut and nearly killed the Elephant army

Simba: Do you have any cure for this Night Howlers?

Dr: Unfortunately no , but the only thing I knew the ingredients for the cure are made in this City called "Zootopia"

Kion: Zootopia?

Kovu: Oh yeah I heard about that outbreak around 2016 some small animal and one slightly taller than her height stopped the Virus outbreak

Kion: Then we'll go together

Kovu: Do you even know where Zootopia is?

Dr: It's in the US

Kion: Come on I always wanted to explore the world

Kovu: Fine

Kijani's Pov:

Kijani: Well , nothing else happening out of ordinary I still see Christos in my subconscious

Bunga: What ever you think off is something special right now , I don't think anyone and me at the battlefield saw that

I felt scared

Bunga: Look I don't wanna scare you but back there , what you saw it wasn't normal be alert at all cost if you feel something wrong let me and Kion know

Kijani: Well for now I'm not worried right now anyways I-

Bunga: Pack your things we will be heading back to the valley tomorrow


After landed back home and go back to the Tree of life my home I was greeted by angry mobs around me

Kion: We know it ain't your fault just keep moving ignore them

Kijani: No dad I want to address the public

Kion: Wait

I left my dad with Bakari and straight away use my phone for livestream

Kijnai: Is this thing on? whatever , people of 5 nations and my fellow residents of the tree of life , I would like to apologise

30 Mins later

Kijani: And that's how I was forvien by the Kings and Queens of the respectives 5 Nations I hope when we meet , I would be happy to assist every crime and problems I may be a jerk but I would learn and be mature goodbye

After the livestream ended , the whole angry citizens gone quiet and continue with their lives

Kion: Well I have to say you did a brave thing

Zazu: And with that , Detention for the 5 of you

Kion: Not for long Zazu

All 5 of them showed their Night Pride Logo while Kion and his teams no more

Zazu: Come on Vice-Principal Tiifu , we have a lot of papework to settle their dropout

After a while it's night our official first patrol I still got those words still stuck in my head as I roll up my sleeve to see the Night Pride Logo

Christos: And know this as well , that those who defeats the gods , shall never remain ordinary individuals any longer

My night pride logo begins to glow but it has a scar covering it. well never mind that it's time to meet up the guys

Bakari: You ready?

Kijani: Yeah , My aim is to prove everyone I'm responsible that's my way

That's all for the chapter

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