Chapter 7: The OWLs

Começar do início

"Oh buzz off Diggory, this has nothing to do with you, it's between me and that Mud-"

"Okay we're done giving you the attention you seem to desperately want, have a nice summer Veronica." Cedric turned on his heel and grinned at you as he caught up to where you were standing as you took in the exchange.

"Thanks for the save Cedric, I owe you one," you chuckled fondly as you linked your arm with his.

He laughed at that, "nonsense, you're more than capable of putting her in her place. Besides, what are friends for, right?" You laughed and reached up to tousle his wavy brown hair, "damn right, Diggory."

Aside from your shared passion for Quidditch, you and Cedric also spent time together in the library doing Herbology homework, or eating lunch together between the classes you shared. You could understand why he was so popular among his fellow students, he was a genuinely nice guy and you'd grown quite fond of him over the two years you'd been friends with him.

"So, Dungbombs?" he asked as you walked arm in arm down the corridor, giving you a knowing look with a raised eyebrow.

You smirked, "yeah it was George's idea, thought we'd leave the school with a literal bang to celebrate the OWLs being over."

He shook his head with a small smile, "so thoughtful of you three to give Filch something to clean up over the summer." You chuckled and then you heard your name being called from behind you, bringing yours and Cedric's walk to a stop as you turned around.

"There you are Y/N we were looking for- oh," Fred and George caught up to you from around the corner, not realising you were with Cedric.

George greeted Cedric with civility, still having not forgiven him for the Hufflepuff Quidditch victory earlier in the year when Harry had been attacked by the Dementors. Fred just nodded at him, but you didn't miss how he looked at your arm that had been linked with Cedric's, when you pulled it away while turning around to them, he must have noticed. But why would he care?

"Oh hey guys! Cedric was just being my knight in shining armour after my run in with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," you patted Cedric's shoulder fondly, this time not noticing how Fred's narrowed eyes followed the gesture.

"No she held her own, she's very capable," Cedric replied lightheartedly, grinning down at you.

"I know she is," Fred said sharply, surprising you slightly, then he turned to you, "when did this happen?"

"Oh just a few minutes ago, it's fine."

Fred shook his head in anger at Veronica's treatment of you, but said nothing. George cut in then, sensing the rising tension, "we should put some puking pastilles in her soup at the start of term feast after summer, yeah?"

You all laughed at that, but the atmosphere was still awkward, and then Cedric shuffled his bag strap higher onto his shoulder, "I should get going, the lads will be wondering where I am." He said it more to you than to the twins, you nodded in understanding and gave him a quick hug, "have a good summer Cedric!"

"You too Y/N! I'll owl you," he waved and walked away, but then something occurred to you, "wait Cedric!" he turned around again, "are you going to the Quidditch World Cup in August?" You saw Fred scowl out of the corner of your eye, but you ignored him, planning on bringing it up later. Cedric smiled at you from down the corridor, "yeah me and dad are going, see you there?"

"Yeah, see you there!" He waved again before walking away. You turned back around to the twins. You folded your arms and looked directly at Fred, "what in Godric's name was that all about Fred?" George shuffled away a little bit and stuffed his hands in his pockets, he started humming to himself, pretending to be suddenly very interested in the floor in front of him. Fred cleared his throat awkwardly and met your gaze, "what was what?"

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora