「 I see. I guess there's a certain fantasy about that. Hunting alone is enough to provide meat? In our world, they were a little more advanced, researching the nutritional needs of each vegetable and rotating them in a combination that didn't interfere with each other. Wheat, potatoes, and beans were the most popular. 」

「 You can grow crops all the time. 」

That's great information.

「 Yeah. I just don't know if I can do that rotation here, too. It'll take a long time to verify. 」

「 I'm not sure whether that's how it works. 」

I don't think I have time to try it myself. The only thing I can do is to suggest it to my father at some point.

「 Well, if you are not in trouble now, there is no need to be adventurous. In addition to that, there is fertilizer as a way to nourish the soil itself. Simply put, it's a nutrient made from rotting garbage and feces. 」

「 Are you going to let them decompose? Isn't a weed ball enough? 」

「 I think there is a high possibility that it is not enough. It's called fermentation. It's an invisible organism that turns garbage into soil. It's like cheese. However, if it was not washed properly, it could have caused food poisoning. Maybe that's why they're throwing it out of town......? 」

Chiyo-sama is pondering.

「 However, there are animals in the forest as well as in the meadows. So do people. I've never heard of them causing vegetables to become poisonous, have you? 」

「 It's a matter of quantity and management. The earth can handle a small amount, but if there is a large amount, it will not be able to handle it. There is a risk of poisoning if the fertilizer is inadequately processed by human hands. 」

「 It's difficult. 」

「 Apparently, Cozette's ancestors were very smart. As it is, I'm too scared to try it. At least until we have a better concept of hygiene...... 」

I groaned for a while, but in the end, we decided to put it on hold.

「 However, we can try to get Slimes to handle it. It seems that the green Slime consumes has strong vegetative properties, so we can determine if the green Slime is effective or not, although it's possible that the notes about 『 Disappearance 』 in Cozette-chan's materials was disintegrated...... 」

「 Must quickly conclude 」

Slime was thinking about flexing its muscles. This Slime seems to be motivated, so let's leave it to him, shall we?

「 So, Slime, what is this massive increase in food waste you're talking about? 」

Right now, we are relying solely on capture as a means to increase the number of Slimes. Any increase in means should be welcomed.

「 Food, lots of food, and a healthy body. 」

「 I see? 」

So, if you have more food than you can increase, then should we put it towards more on food? would it be that simple?

「 Weeds are made into balls, right? So if you make it into a meal, you can't make Slime balls? 」

「 That is so! 」

「 I can't wait to see how much more I can get. I guess I'll have to think about raising the level of my <stock> in the future. 」

「 Yes, you're right....... For now, let's lean towards increasing the number of weed balls after tomorrow, when we have accumulated a certain amount. Do we use <absorb> when we make them into food? 」

「 Yes! We're fine! Grass, sun, more grass. 」

It's becoming much more important than it was at first, <absorption>. I think I'll put a little more emphasis on it. And green Slime is even more likely to increase with <Photosynthesis>. It seems that each type has its own characteristics.

「 Is white hard to increase? 」

「 No increase. It will be experience. 」

「 You don't increase. Is it all going to experience? 」

「 Don't need two of the same 」

The white leader is a bit special, isn't it?


「 Only you have <stock>, right? What happens when you die? 」

If all Slimes were to suddenly split or something, I would certainly panic.

「 Dying fine. new one, becomes white 」

「 Hmm... It's just a matter of changing the Slime that becomes the head. Just like a leader or a king changes. Slime is an interesting creature, isn't it? 」

Chiyo-sama's eyes sparkled.

「 Will take over 」

「 So you can be reckless to a certain extent. 」

Slime doesn't have the concept of individuals, so it's better to think of it as half resource or half tool.

Of course, I don't intend to use it recklessly.

「 One cookie, one day 」

「 It's limited. Okay. 」

「 Piiiiieeeeeeee!! 」


Pure Slime

Experience: 0

<All as one><Absorption lv8><Extraction lv5><Movement lv3><Stock lv1><Photosynthesis lv8>

Correction value: 3

Stock: 14

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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