Bi? Be proud!

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*Swearing and mature words here - be over 13 if you're reading this. Preferably older.*

So.... Hey. Azhur0 here. This is a speech about (drum roll please) being Bi! I know I have written similar speeches but I think Bi deserves a bit of attention too. It gets pushed to the side like it’s not important in my point of view. I mean, I don't think I have ever read a speech/story about being Bi. It’s either gay or straight apparently. Here's something new, people can be like both genders without just being a male/female whore!! Wow!! New right?

Being Bi DOES NOT mean confused! It DOES NOT mean you want to jump everything possible! It means you can be romantically attracted to either gender. You could love either female or male in that way.

Being bi isn't just sex. I think it gets confused for this a lot. I have literally been told that I cannot be Bi because I haven't had sexual relations. Excuse me? I know what I like! This happens to be male OR female! I I have also very recently been told that basically Bi people are just gay people covering up their sexuality and sleep around a lot. No. Just no. Yes, some gay people may want to try to soften the blow by saying they like both genders, but why the fuck should we all feel that way? It hurts to be told that I don't know myself. It hurts to hear people say that being Bisexual is all about what goes on in the bedroom. Seriously, why are you thinking that you creep? I don't think about what you do in that area, so back off!!! Being Bi is so much more than sex! Sex is part of any serious relationship at some point when you're at appropriate ages and the relationship is at that stage. The difference between Bi people and the people they are suggesting we are, is that we don't just do off and have a fling with everything that has a pulse! These people are not Bi. They are just whores!! Can we please get that straight? Well.... Not straight but... yeah..... Being Bi is not just about doing the dirty with a man and woman; it's about loving them in a way that they are your partner, not your family. Its exactly like a straight relationship, you love your partner in the way that someone of the opposite gender would.

Very recently I was having a conversation with someone I'm close to. This person has always been very supportive and knows I am Bi. I told her a long time ago and she took it very well when first discussing, being an older generation I was a little worried. BUT, recently the subject came up and for the first time, I receive slight judgment and was told I am not bisexual because that means 'I fuck' males and females. I couldn't know unless I'm sexually active. NEWS FLASH! Being Bisexual is more than having sex! It’s about love! 

My life is not your life. You may say you know what I feel, but you have no idea! I don't just have the normal amount of average attraction to everyone. I like girls, like I like boys!  Ok? Ok.

Now, next, I am not confused. I'm not covering the fact that I'm really a lesbian up. I really do just like both genders. It’s that simple. Right there, that's it. Nothing else. BOTH GENDERS! If I want to kiss a chick, that's really none of your business!! So stop acting like it is! Stop telling me I'm just like everybody else. 'We are all bi to a certain extent'. Yes, I agree with that, the difference is, you don't want to act on that. You don't feel strong enough attracted to want and go kiss a chick. I do! If I like someone in that way, and no, I don't like the entire population of female and males, I may kiss that person if they want that too. I might want to date that person. Is that ok? Why can chicks be lesbian or guy be gay, but no bi. What the fuck? Seriously! You don't know what I feel! 

If I was to come out as lesbian (If I were), would I have this much trouble? Well.... Actually.... But at least the lesbians actually have the term under control!! Us Bi-bee’s (yeah... I just made that up) can't even say we're Bi without people just assuming we mean 'I fuck men and women.'

So get your shit straight (or gay :P) before aiming your judgment at me. Don't go swinging shit about my gender preferences when you have no idea. 

Sorry, I know there’s a lot of swearing in this. This is probably a side of me you won't see too often. I just get very opinionated when it comes to these topics. I get inspired.... lol! You can kind of tell where I got really heated in wording and such.

I will probably write something for my Lesbian fans sometime too. Hold tight ladies, It will find its way into my works soon. 

XX, Azhur0.

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