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The bold contrast of vermillion and fuschia blended together as the golden flakes embed on the ends of the clothes swayed gracefully soaked in tear drops . She was
thrown on the floor her trembling hands slid towards the broken pieces of the wine bottle . The feisty and apetiting rage residing in his eyes embraced hers as she lept back sweeping the albeit beige marble . She hissed as the drops of Cheval Blanc mingled with the blood on her fingers. Looking at him she searched for the stimuli of this unpleasant situation , and to her dissapointement she found none....

He lept past her cursing under his breathe . She could feel him drawing closer to her as she sniffed the subtle scent of his
cologne.. She knew he wasn't going to spare her this time. The blend of vengeance , indignation and conviction in his eyes spoke to her vividly. The dead cells of her head began active as blood
shot to her brain .

"eventhough she badly desired to smack his head with something , she kept herself controlled , she couldn't risk anymore . But what if things were going overboard ?? a minor injury won't do any fuss. Right ?? she scolded herself for being fragile but to survive you have to pull a small stunt even if it brings distress to your

Before she could contemplate she glided her hands towards the wine bottle gripping it with her injured hand .
And the roar of the lion subsided as the drops of tears ceased with a loud thud .....

Shattered pieces of glasses scattered on the beige marble mixed with a tint of blood on the tips of the glass . A PIECE OF ART isn't it ??? The contrast of blood red as vermillion glistened as it enhanced the beauty of the royal albeit marble. The red drops of
blood mingled with the small carnations imprinted on the beige flooring. The soft orange light from the nightstand blinked as they drifted out from the trance.

The lion was now calm and void but the fox wasn't. She felt an intrusion in her body and the intruders were black premium crystals of stiff glass which were pierced into her cheeks . The fairy lights of her dreams turned out to be the DARKEST NIGHTMARES as the devils mitigated every light crushing her last ray of hope . She swallowed the bitterness of her reality which looked delicious from outside.

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Have fun :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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