Where is he...

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Varian's POV

I closed my eyes as Rell told me the news. "He just... Ran away from me, your highness. I'm sorry. I should have ran after him. He's, he's faster than he looks"
I held up my hand before he could continue. "Alright, Rell. I understand. I didn't expect him to run though..." I sent him off a moment later to rest.
I sat down in my chair as he left the tent.
I missed him. So much. I was terrified that the horde would find him before I did.
Was terrified I'd lose him like I lost his mother in that riot all those years ago.
Again and again, scenes of the worst horrible scenarios ran through my head.
The worst one was if he went through what I went through.
That Hellscream would find him first, and make him a slave. Make him fight when he couldn't.
It hurt just to think about it. To fear every night and wonder wether my son was alive, or died in a fight.
Then, with a jolt, I realized something.
This is what Anduin felt. What he felt when I was missing. He was just a child, and left to rule a kingdom.
He didn't really tell me much when I came back. In fact, he almost seemed to... Keep his distance from me...
I shook my head hard. No, Varian. Don't. He's your son. He wouldn't resent you.
I looked at the door and took a deep breath.
I needed to get out there. There were men to speak to, plans to make.
A son to find.
I stood, took a deep breath.
I'm the king. And A king protects his own.

Prince, King, or Nobody? (A World of Warcraft Story)Where stories live. Discover now